11. No, no, I love Jace

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It's time to go/ Criston/ Harwin out now!!

"I can't believe mama agreed to this." Ara declared. Criston let out a slow breath as he got onto Vhagar behind Aemond. 

Aemond didnt really want Criston crashing his date but what was he supposed to say, No Criston you are a mood killer since Ara thinks you her father and trying to flirt would be weird with you staring at us... yep that would go over well, Aemond reasons. 

"This is going to be the best name day ever!" Ara decided as they were headed to find the god tree and unlock some more of her powers. Maybe...

"Aemond?" Ara shouted over to him. "Why are we finding the God Tree?"

"To see if you can... connect with it." Aemond offered. 

"I mean I'm pretty good at connecting with most plant life." Ara agreed. 

"I dont like this." Criston murmured, Aemond glanced to him. 

"I would prefer Ara with me as well." Aemond mumbled. 

"I've never been to dorne." Ara declared when they landed. "It's hot." She remarked pulling at her dress. 

"Guard approaching." Aemond remarked pulling his blade free, Criston did the same as he stood in front of Ara. 

"Hello, we are friend not foe." Ara offered. 

"State your name and purpose." The guards demanded. 

"Ser Criston Cole." Criston declared. "I am accompanying the prince and princess Aemond and Aranyani Targaryen."

"As though the dragons were not obvious." Ara murmured. "Put the swords away," she instructed. "They wont do you any good." 

"Cole? Well damn, you did become a knight."  Criston peered around as their dornish prince stepped forward. "Sheathe the swords lads, Criston is an old friend." 

"Prince Tommen." Criston remarked with a bow. "It is my honor to introduce Princess Aranyani-" Criston reached back for her and she stepped forward. "-and the prince Aemond." 

"I heard about Aranyani." Tommen remarked looking her over. 

"We are here looking for the God tree." Ara remarked. "Do you know where is it?" 

"Blunt little thing she is." Tommen chuckled. "I do, but you cant ride your dragon there, Fury has tried." 

"Fury?" Ara questioned glancing to Aemond. 

"Your father never tell you about his cousin Davina?" Tommen questioned. Ara shook her head looking to Aemond. 

"I knew of her." Aemond remarked. "But we never met her." 

"Had pits made for Fury, hes a hog but if you want to stick them in there, we can head out at first light." Tommen remarked. "But Davina is going to want to meet your dragon, princess Aranyani. She loves dragons." 

"Mine is the first ever two headed dragon." Ara said proudly. Aemond didnt like how trusting Ara was. She followed Tommen back to the pits nudging Terra and Flora along. 

"He's a good man." Criston assured. "Davina liked him enough to marry him... thats saying something." 

"I saw dragons!" Davina declared proudly. "Where is-" Davina shuffled to a stop when she saw Terra and Flora. "Gorgeous!" 

"She used to call me gorgeous." TOmmen mused, Davina moved to Terra and Flora though.

"They are mine." Ara declared. 

"Gorgeous." Davina whispered tracing a hand over their leg. "You must be Aranyani." 

"I must be." Ara agreed. "And you must be Davina." 

"I must be." Davina mused. Davina stared at Ara's thick auburn hair and then looked to Aemond's thin silver. "Got your mothers looks." Davina remarked. 

"Thank the gods for that." Ara agreed. 

"You are married to the prince of Dorne?" Aemond needed clarification. 

"I'm a double princess." Davina agreed. "Which is better than the dead queen and the bitter queen who never was."

"Davina what will they think!" Tommen declared. 

"That I'm honest." Davina pondered. "I'm hungry too, come on lets get some food." 

"Are you not going to ask why they are here?" Tommen countered as they moved back to the castle. 

"Dragons. Need I know more?" Davina countered. 

"I suppose not." Tommen murmured. 

"I love her." Ara declared. 


"Oh we were kids back then." Tommen remarked. 

"Yet still no children?" Criston asked. 

"Davina likes dragons more than people." Tommen agreed. 

"I like Aranyani." Davina corrected and Ara beamed back at her. 

"Can we bring her back to kings landing? She is perfect." Ara whispered leaning into Aemond. 

"How did you two meet?" Aemond questioned. 

"Davina is a warrior." Criston recalled. 

"She was fighting with us in the dornish marches." Tommen added. 

"Mainly to piss off my family because dorne, gross, they never help." Davina mused. "So obviously I came to help and then met Criston, thought damn how is this man still unwed." Criston choked on his tongue as Ara's jaw slacked looking between them. "Then after I tasted Criston I found Tommen and thought oh, how wonderful... lets really anger the family." 

"You make it sound like you dont love me." Tommen declared as he squeezed her knee. 

"I love you." Davina corrected. "I married you, I stayed here in hot, hot dorne, I wouldnt stay here if I didnt love you." 

"Romantic Dav." Tommen teased. 

"What are you two?" Davina questioned. "You are quite the couple. In love? Wedding in the future? It is the Targaryen way..." 

"Well-" Aemond looked to Ara, he wanted that. He loved Ara, he would marry her. 

"No, no." Ara giggled. "I'm quite in love with Jace. Prince Jacaerys Velaryon. He's the love of my life." 

"Thats sweet." Davina remarked but her gaze shifted to a heart broken Aemond. "But he's quite far away." she added

"I know, it is unfortunate." Ara agreed as she picked at her supper. 

"You arent wed, you are quite young. No need to be tied down to one person just yet." Davina offered and Aemond looked to Ara, but her heart had been long since set on Jace. 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now