29. Less Than Ideal

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Having jace and Luke at the capital was less than ideal... for Aemond. 

Luke and Jace never apologized for that day. The day they took his eye.  They acted as though it was his fault. He wasnt a child anymore, neither were they but he felt that rage boiling up when they came back. 

"Thats cousin Davina!" Ara shouted pulling Jace along. "Look, look, thats her dragon!" 

"He's huge." Luke remarked chasing after them. 

"Fury." Ara told them. "Hi Fury. Remember me?" 

"Oh, Aranyani," Tommen remarked as he wiped at his lip. 

"What are you doing back there?" Ara questioned peering around. 

"Davina likes to fly very fast." Tommen remarked still feeling queasy.

"So do I." Ara agreed smiling back at him. "Where is she?" 

"Looking for you." Tommen pondered. "She was very excited to see you again. As am I... but no more near deaths please."

"What is he talking about?" Jace questioned. Ara swallowed the lump in her throat. "Ara? Near deaths? Plural? Multiple near death experiences?"

"Near- I didnt die. I... well I might have one of the times." Ara admitted softly. "But clearly im fine!" Ara declared doing a little spin. "See im fine. I'm great. I'm better than great." Ara assured him as he pulled her closer. 

"I see that." Jace kissed her quickly and TOmmen looked away awkwardly. 

"Seems Aemond missed his shot." Tommen murmured. Luke stared back at him. 

"Oh, introductions." Ara recalled pulling away from Jace. She felt like she was cheating on aemond although they were not- not- not.... Ara didnt know. But what she did know was that Aemond was not her betrothed. "This is Jacaerys and Lucaerys Velaryon. This-" She gestured to Tommen. "Is Prince Tommen Martell of dorne." 


 "I knew of Rhaenyras activities and since their father-" Alicent hesitated looking to Jace and LUke, it would hurt them. Not the eye for an eye she wanted but it would hurt.  "Rhaenyra was never fond of her husband. She found others to fill her time." 

"Mother," Aemond began confused. 

"Rhaenyra flaunts her privilege, I wont stand aside and let Jacaerys swoop in and take Aranyani back." Alicent declared "You were here for her. You, Aemond and she loves you." 

 "But her boys are more honorable and more brave than she ever was or will be. The children shouldnt be punished for their mothers idiocy... pleasures." a voice added in and Alicent jumped, she thought they were alone. "Hi, I'm Davina... you must be Aranyani's pretty mother." 

"Alicent." She agreed. 

"You complaining about bastards... thats hilarious." Davina remarked. "Oh, Criston honey!" Davina coed. 

"What are you doing here Davina?" Criston questioned. 

"Aranyani said she was having a post name day, celebration, one she didnt have to share with Daeron." Davina remarked. "I miss that magical little girl." 

"Davina." Viserys declared walking in, his cane clicked along the ground. 

"Cousin-" She opened her arms but quickly dropped them to her sides. "Oh Viserys you look like death." 

"Thank you, always the blunt one." Viserys agreed. 

"Always." Davina agreed. 

"Did you bring your husband?" Viserys pondered. 

"Yes he get flight sick when I'm in a hurry." Davina agreed nodding along. 


Supper was intense. Ara sat between Jace and Aemond which that in itself was a horrible idea. But it was her spot. She always sat there and they sat... beside her. It was their fault she felt uncomfortable. It was their fault they were too damn loveable. It was infuriating. 

"So this is so much fun." Davina offered. "I want to see some more Aranyani magic in the morning."

"You got it!" Ara agreed. "I've gotten really good since I last saw you. Like... deadly good." 

"Mini Davina in the making." Tommen remarked. 

"Gods no." Viserys grumbled.

"Gods yes." Aemond countered smiling back at Ara. 

"One Davina is enough." Viserys assured him and Jace didnt like how Aemond was looking at Ara. How Ara was smiling back at Aemond. 

"So a lot of tension." Davina remarked waving a hand around. 

"No idea what you mean, this is a tense free zone!" Ara offered but Davina chuckled. Tommen whispered in Davina's ears and she made an Oh face as she looked from Luke to Aemond and back again. 

"Aemonds elephant in the room." Davina agreed. 

"Elephants dont fit in here or else I would have a pet elephant." Ara corrected seriously. 

"Metaphorical." Aemond whispered leaning in "Metaphorical elephant." Ara nodded as Jace grabbed Ara's hand possessively. 

"I was totally joking." Ara agreed sheepishly. 

"Aemond lost an eye." Davina reminded them. 

"He attacked us." Jace informed her calmly. Davina looked to Alicent, not wanting to push if she didnt want to. 

"Your broken bones healed, Aemond cannot regrow an eye." Alicent agreed softly.  Luke sighed looking to Jace. 

"Why did you bring a blade?" Davina pondered. 

"Maybe this isnt supper table talk." tommen countered. 

"I was nervous." Luke admitted.

"Why? Why get out of bed at all?" Davina questioned.

"Baela and Rhaena got us up, they... they said someone stole their dragon." Jace declared.

"Who?" Davina whispered leaning towards TOmmen. 

"Their cousins." Tommen pondered. 

"And you didnt think it would be wiser to get an adult?" Alicent chimed in.

"Thats why I brought the blade. For protection." Luke whispered.

"The girls got mad, they were shouting and they attacked him first." Jace declared holding tight to Ara's hand as though he needed her support for something vicious him and Luke did. Ara remained silent. 

"And if they were doing it then it must be okay for you to attack Aemond as well?" Davina pondered staring back at them. Jace silenced as he looked to his feet. "Now I'm new to all this, children and such." Davina clarified. "But I met Aemond and he seems like a wonderful young man. So my question for you two is this. What has Aemond ever done to you to deserve such violence?" Davina pondered.

"You just met Baela and Rhaena. You have known Aemond all your lives and yet you chose these girls you never met?" Alicent agreed her voice raising with anger as though the day was here again, right now, feeling it all again. 

"You werent there." Jace grumbled. "Neither of you." Jace looked between them. 

"But I was..." Ara reminded him. "I'm really tired, I think I turn in for the night." Ara added as she got up. 

"Ara-" Jace began as he followed her. 

"Goodnight Jace." Ara whispered smiling softly back at him but her gaze shifted over his shoulder to Aemond. 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now