65. Run Aranyani, Run

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The energy it took to get up made her wanna fall back down but she took the first step the mysterious voice the Mystic being that gave Ara her powers, that had enhanced her abilities in the first place seem to smile.

Ara couldn't see this woman to be clear, this thing, this mystical being but there was something about the way everything glowed around her as she took her first steps feeling stronger and more confident.  

"Where am I? I was at dragon stone this isn't dragon stone

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"Where am I? I was at dragon stone this isn't dragon stone." Ara remarked looking around. 

"No it is not." The voice agreed. 

"And are you going to tell me where this is or..." Ara prompted.

"I am not." she corrected.   Ara groaned as she looked around

"How do I get home?" Ara countered. 

"You're a smart girl you'll figure it out" the voice offered. 

"And you're a real bitch sometimes." Ara hissed.

"Run Aranyani. Run."

"Run? From what?" Ara countered confused, they were walking, they were just walking and talking in nowhere land. She was fine, she was in pain and conflicted and annoyed but run? Did this mystic not remember the drop Ara had been through, every fucking branch and rock hitting her on the way down... she was still sore.

"Run?" Ara questioned peering around. "Run from what?"

"What is coming of course."

"What is coming?" Ara countered. But the sky that had just been a perfect blue turn dark clouds covered thick grays. Wind whipped around her viciously. 

"Run." the voice commanded she didn't know what she was running from or running to but Ara ran. She still didn't understand what was happening what was going on but she ran. She thought she was dead she thought whatever Daemon did to her killed her, she felt her magic slipping away and she felt herself falling and then that drop that deadly drop she felt like every bone in her body had cracked. Had shattered. She felt shattered.

And now she was running from her for her life from something she could not see. But she ran all the same The Voice called out again and again, it echoed around Ara. 

"Run, run, run!"

 So Aranyani ran.


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"What do you mean Ara's not here?" Alicent questioned. "She was sleeping. She was exhausted."

"Shes not here." Criston corrected. "We searched the whole castle." 

"I think she went to dragonstone, snuck on the ship." Aemond remarked. 

"My father would have told me. Would have stopped her." Alicent corrected.

"Not if he didnt know she was there." Aemond countered. Alicent looked between them terrified. 

"She was weak, in so much pain, why would she do that?" Alicent begged. 

"Because she wanted to say goodbye to Jace." Aemond pondered and ALicent locked eyes with him. "In case this was the end..." 

"It's not the end." Alicent corrected. "We are offering them a peace treaty."

"And you know that Daemon will not accept it." Aemond remarked. 

"Rhaenyra-" Alicent began through a wheezing breath, her baby was in the dragons lair. Alicent needed to be there for her, she needed her Aranyani safe. 

"Is not in charge." Aemond remarked. "She know it, she is weak. She ran away, time and time again. She doesnt face her problems head on like you do, like we do." Criston nodded in agreement. "Daemon will be ready for a fight, for a war. He wont hesitate to hurt Ara. He wont hesitate to kill as many Hightowers he can get his hands on to make a point." 

"But Ara is strong. Shes powerful. He wouldnt be able to-" Alicent whimpered. 

"She was fragile and tired, over worked..." Aemond corrected. "I love her, I want her safe. I worry... I worry that she will get hurt. She has relied on her powers. But you saw her, she over used them, she needs time to recharge hopefully but killing Rhaenys was a lot. Her mind was racing and she probably feared the worst. Probably thought she might not get the chance to say goodbye to her best friend again." 

"And you are okay with that?" Alicent rasped reaching out for Aemond. 

"It would be selfish of me." Aemond informed her. "I want her safe and I wish she told us." he added. "but he was her first love, her first friend... it would be really selfish of me to try and keep her all to myself. I know everything will be fine, once she says goodbye." Aemond declared confidently. 

"And if she doesnt return?" Alicent rasped as her breath hitched in her chest. 

"I'm going to dragonstone." Aemond assured. "I'm flying out. I will bring her home safe."

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now