23. He Wants You

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Ara and Aemond spent more time in the tree house, up in the air then they did on the ground and Alicent understood why when she saw it.

"Come on Mama!" Ara declared as the ladder fell down to them. "So intruders dont get in." Ara remarked as Alicent looked skeptically at the ladder. "I put it up and whoosh it down."

"Of course you do." Alicent agreed.

"Come on daddy, you too." Ara begged pulling Criston forward.

"You and Aemond made this?" Criston questioned running a hand over her hair.

"Yep. Cool right?" Ara agreed.

"Very cool." Criston agreed as ALicent ascended the ladder.

"You and Aemond made this?" Alicent questioned. 

"Well the forest helped." Ara assured. "I think the other trees are jealous." Ara admitted. 

"This is beautiful Ara." Criston declared running a hand over the detailing.

"Aemond did that. He did the detailing. It's it pretty, he's very talented. Did it by hand too not by magic." Ara added smiling back at them. 

"Blankets and pillows... you sleeping up here?" Alicent pondered gently. 

"Yeah we have sleep overs up here." Ara agreed and the way she said it seemed so pure. Alicent smiled back at her but she was hoping that one day that Ara would see Aemond as more than just her brother. But Alicent supposed that Ara was still young, she wouldnt push a union on her baby girl. 

"Sleep overs." Criston countered quizzically. Ara was his little girl, he didnt want her tainted already. Although he tried to push that God forsaken night with Rhaenyra a million years ago he knew Ara would be a teen and want to start experimenting. He didnt want her reputation to be tainted, he didnt want a boy even as kind as Aemond to use her, break her heart, crumple her flower. 

"Yeah, Aemond reads me stories and I make little shadow figures to go along with them." Ara remarked holding up her hand, smoke and shadows danced on her fingers. 

"I'm glad you have Aemond." Alicent declared. 

"Me too." Ara agreed and she meant it. She did love Aemond. 


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"The first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away." Daeron offered and Ara stared back at him.

"You fall for someone in old town?" Ara mused but he kept staring at her. Ara looked away awkwardly.

"The difference is your man fell for you too." Daeron remarked. "Aemond loves you."

"Of course he does I'm his sister." Ara agreed. Daeron gave her a pointed look.

"I've been back for a moon and I can see how in love with you Aemond is." daeron corrected her. "In love Ara. In love! With you." Ara's gaze shifted to Aemond. "Honestly don't understand it but maybe its because you never tried to kill him." Daeron pondered.

"Never going to let me forget that." Ara murmured.

"Never. Thats what good brothers do though." Daeron remarked. Ara stared back at him. "Torment their little sisters, not try to fuck them." Daeron clarified and Ara punched him.


"What?" Daeron rubbed at his arm. "Damnit Ara, I forgot how strong you are..." A snide smile crossed his face. "Strong... get it!" She punched him again. "STOP IT!" Daeron demanded as he stood up putting distance between them.

"Aemond doesnt like me like that." Ara remarked.

"You sure?"

"I've known him forever, he's my brother and Jace-"

"I know guys." daeron corrected. "And despite the fact that you are terrifying I can see how some might think you could be cute."

"Thanks... I think." Ara offered.

"Guys want one thing and Aemond wants you."

"You dont want me, so how-"

"Sex. Fucking!" Daeron shouted.

"Stop saying that." Ara hissed swatting at him.

"Aemond wants to fuck you Ara."

"No he doesnt... does he?" Ara countered suddenly rethinking everything.

"Guys our age think with their cock." Daeron informed her.

"He's right for once Petal." Aegon agreed. "Aemond wants you. I want you. You want to have some fun? That tree house seems a good spot."

"You are both wrong." Ara remarked confidently. "I'm engaged to jace." she reminded them.

"And when was the last time you saw Jace?" Aegon countered.

"Dont gang up on me. I'm your petal. Dont be on Daeron's side." Ara begged hugging to Aegon.

"I'm on your side." Aegon assured. "I will gladly be in your bed too."

"You are just being silly." Ara corrected.

"It's been almost three years Ara... face the facts." Daeron declared. "And dont put me in the fucking stones!" He added as he ran off.

"What a chicken." Aegon chuckled out. Ara clucked her tongue, flapping her arms like chicken wings. Aegon smiled down at her doing the same.

"What are you two doing?" Alicent questioned.

"Being chickens because Daeron is a chicken. Duh." Aegon remarked.

"Of course, what was I thinking." ALicent mused smiling down at them. 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя