6. Bury You Under

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"I'm here for the wedding of the... of fuck no. You were supposed to be at dragonstone." Daeron spat. 

"Hello to you too." Ara sassed as Aemond put her back on her feet. 

"Any funny business this time around?" Daeron countered. 

"I dont have the slightest idea what you mean, brother." Ara countered. 

"Oh, I dont know... maybe because the last time I saw you, you were trying to kill me!" 


Many years ago

Geokinesis as Ara would soon discover was quite useful.

The ability to manipulate the ground of an area. Ara, accidentally, used it to sink Daeron's feet into the stone path and then solidifying it around them, making him unable to move.

"ARA!" Daeron shouted. She turned back to him seeing him stuck and bust out laughing. "This isnt funny!" Daeron shouted. "Get me out!"

"I can't." Ara told him as she doubled over in laughter.


"Princess, what's..." Criston stopped short seeing Daeron stuck. The stones capturing him perfectly. "Ara..." Criston whispered as she continued to laugh out.

"Its not my fault!" Ara declared.

"Like seven hells it isnt!" Daeron shouted tugging at his legs.

"Ara sweetie," Criston whispered. He brushed her hair from her eyes as she stood up right clutching at her stomach still a fit of giggles. "Let your brother go." Criston whispered.

"I would... honest." Ara told him glancing over Criston's shoulder at Daeron groaning as he pulled his legs uselessly. "But he called me a bad name and... I don't know how to get him out." Ara whispered her fingers trilling on Criston's shoulders.

"Ara- OH MY GODS!" Jace declared stumbling forward. "That's new." Ara nodded as he came up to her.

"ARANYANI!" Daeron screamed out.

"I swear, I don't..." ara grabbed Jace's hand and pulled him away.

"Ara!" Daeron demanded.

"Princess." Criston called following after them.

"HA!" Aegon laughed out. "About damn time she picked on someone else."

"Dick!" Daeron spat.

"Oh, don't let mother hear you say that or else your darling title will be forfeited." Aegon warned smugly.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Daeron begged.


"Hi mama, I don't know what Daeron told you-"

"While he was stuck in the stones. We had to dig him out." Alicent remarked.

"Mama, I honestly, honestly!" Ara said hugging her tight. "Have no idea how that happened. Honest. Honest." She looked back at Criston as though he would save her.

"Daeron said-"

"Daeron is a liar!" Ara declared.

"Aranyani..." Alicent warned.

"I hate when you do that." Ara muttered.

"Honey... I know this gift you have is fun and new but you can't use it against your family." Alicent coed kissing her forehead.

"That's all?" Daeron spat. "She gets a kiss and don't do it again? I was stuck in there for years!"

"Stop being so dramatic!" Ara told him. "It wasn't years."

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now