67. Try Not To Be So Fucking Sensitive

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"Run Aranyani, run!" 

So Ara ran and ran but it was no use, the woods, the thorns and branches reached out for her. She couldnt get away, couldnt escape. She didnt know where she was or what she was running to or running from.  Then she realized. She was running from the woods itself, the thing she was destined to protect, turning against her. 

It felt impossible though because she was running from the woods itself the wood she was in how do you run from the woods when there's nothing but trees in bark and vines and thorns all around you? She thought to herself as she was being caved in.

She didn't understand what she was supposed to do how she was supposed to get back home and if this madness around her didnt make any sense.

She didn't understand what she was supposed to do how she was supposed to get back home and if this madness around her didnt make any sense

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Through life she was reborn as a tree she inched backwards as the thorns caved in on her. Ara searched around frantic. Was this the end of her? Was this already death? Did she did and this is where failed goddesses went? Hell? Purgatory? A madness of her own making, the elements turning against her. 

Perhaps she was running from herself.

Her back edged up against the tree she waited for it to consume her like it did before but did not. It stood strong and tall she turned to it trying to hide herself in it. Trying to find some bit of sanctuary within the madness that was swirling around her.

It was so dark and then it was so quiet. She closed her eyes extending her hands around the tree worried that if she let go she would fade away with the wind as well and she would never get home.

She didn't know how long she stood there in that damn tree, because time didn't make sense. For all she knew she could've been trapped here for days or weeks moons even or perhaps it was hours and minutes. Ara didn't know, she didn't understand all she knew that she was scared and alone. Her eyes open slowly and she listened and she heard crickets. She had a gentle tweet of birds in the distance.

Cautiously she stepped out of the tree the clouds were gone the thorns were gone and it was beautiful it was enchanting. No longer a dark labyrinth of pain and madness but enchanting and beautiful and she wanted to stay. She wanted to stay right here and forget everything else. 

Stay, stay, stay... all you have to do is stay the crickets seemed to chirp. She took a step out and she expected the ground to give out under her feet and drop her deeper into a new level of her own personal hell but it was solid ground. 

"Mystical being that likes to torment me?" Ara pondered as she knelt, hoping for some water, she was thirsty and tired, her brain felt fried, she felt a throbbing in her head that she didnt before. She brought a hand to her head and it stung. She reached out for the little stream but it changed before her eyes. 

A golden hue draped down around the tree she put her finger in it squiggling along it was magic this was magic was this the place where her powers came from was she in Dorne?

A golden hue draped down around the tree she put her finger in it squiggling along it was magic this was magic was this the place where her powers came from was she in Dorne?

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The flowers and leaves were so bright and so beautiful she could've stayed here forever she wanted to stay here forever.

"Hello Aranyani." 

"Fuck off." Ara whined. "I'm content, let me die in peace."

"You are not dead." the mystic corrected. 

"Are you sure?" 

"You my dear are running from your mind." 

"This isnt punishment for killing RHaenys?" Ara pondered.

"We are well accustomed to death, Aranyani." Mystic remarked. "The elements take lives all over the world, I do not care for her."

"I misused my powers for evil." Ara corrected softly. 

"Have you ever seen a tornado? A tsunami? A hurricane? Ever seen lightening strike down and fry the land below it?" 

"Thats different." Ara corrected. 

"It's not." Mystic corrected Ara. 

"Then why am I here?"

"Because you claimed you were broken." Mystic remarked. 

"I'm not fixed." Ara sassed. 

 "That girl knew who she was and who she wanted to be. That girl wasn't breaking everyone's heart." Mystic repeated Ara's words backt o her. "I loved Jace I loved him so much but now I love Aemond and it hurts that I'm hurting them. I don't wanna hurt them anymore I would rather hurt me than hurt them."

"I was already hurting you didnt need to send the elements after me." Ara grumbled. 

"You asked for it, did you now?" Mystic countered and Ara huffed a breath brushing herself off. 

"I'm sorry,'' Ara declared said before looking up and around 'I'm sorry you over reacted to my obvious sarcasm. Try not to be so fucking sensitive and try to kill me, next time.' She snapped turned on her heel and marched away, to where? She didnt know, the voice followed her. 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now