24. I Don't Respect You

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"Aranyani you will show me some respect!" Viserys demanded. 

"I can't do that." Ara corrected honestly. 

"Why not?" Viserys spat. It took all his energy to fight against her, to stand up and be a king. Be a father. But Ara was getting more rebellious. 

"Well thats easy." Ara remarked taking a step closer.  "I dont respect you." 

"ARANYANI!" Viserys shouted. 

"Is there a problem Princess?" Criston questioned running up behind them and Viserys glared back at him. 

"I am dealing with it Ser." Viserys sneered. Ara crossed her arms over her chest. "You are not needed."

"Talk about wanting respect but not giving it out." Ara declared with all the sass in the world. Viserys gaped down at her. 

"Aranyani that is enough of this disobedience." Viserys demanded. "SER CRISTON GO!" Viserys spat. 

"Ser Criston, please stay. I dont feel very safe." Ara corrected calmly. Criston looked between them. It should have been simple. The king said go. But Aranyani was Criston's daughter and she wanted him to stay. Even if it was more to provoke Viserys. Criston still knew that Ara needed him. 

"Ser Criston-"

"He stays." Ara demanded and Viserys huffed a breath as her eyes glowed back at him, the greenest of greens. 

"Aranyani you are grounded." Viserys decided. She blinked back at him as her arms fell to her sides. "Aranyani did you hear me? You are grounded." 

"No." Ara corrected.

'What did you say to me?" Viserys countered. 

"No." Ara repeated. "Clean out your ears. I said no." With that Ara marched down the hall, Viserys stared back at her perplexed. 

"Your grace." Criston said as he turned on his heel following after her. 

"Unbelievable." Viserys muttered. 

"Ara that was stupid." Criston remarked once they were alone.

"He doesnt have the right to ground me." Ara corrected. "You and mama do. Did I do something wrong daddy?" Criston smiled bringing a gentle hand to her cheek. 

"Viserys will certainly think so." Criston remarked. She smiled back up at him. "You are so brilliant and brave Aranyani..." Criston pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"I get it from you." Ara declared proudly and Criston chuckled. 

"We both know you get it from your mother." Criston corrected. 


"I told Ara she was grounded and you know what she said?" Viserys declared looking around the table. "She said no. "

"She said no?" Alicent questioned confused. 

"Can you do that?" Aegon countered suddenly rethinking everything, why did Ara not tell him this before. This was a game changer. He could say no. Wow, mind fucking blown.

"No." Viserys corrected looking to Aegon. "I need help, I need to get Ara away from Ser Criston."

"Oh father, you know whats good. threaten her with the old foot in the ass!" Daeron declared nodding proudly.  Aemond shook his head. 

"That's a dangerous game, messing with Ara." Aemond countered. "You know it well." Daeron glared back at him. 

"You know that Ser Criston... well how can such a bad influence live in such a handsome package." Alicent murmured.  Criston was not a bad influence on Ara. Criston was a great influence on Ara. He was her father and he cared for her. 

" Bad people should have a scar or an eye patch so you can recognize them." Aegon agreed. Aemond stared back at him. "Oh hey, didnt see you there." 

"You know you have that stink eye like father expect its only half as good." Daeron chuckled. "Because you know..." he tapped the eye patch.  Aemond swatted his hand away. 

"Theres a point where your kids realize you cant do anything to control them." Otto offered gently. Alicent stared back at him, was that a point in her life? SHe still felt like at times Otto was pulling the strings. 

"There is?" Aegon countered. 

"No. Stop listening." Viserys spat. "What do we do about Ser Criston?"

"Nothing." Alicent declared. "I will speak to Ara."


"Your father-" Alicent began. 

"Daddy is fine with it I already talked to him." Ara corrected nonchalantly. 

"The king." Alicent corrected. "Is not happy about your attitude this morning. He had a family meeting-"

"And I'm no longer family?" Ara questioned staring back at her. 

"It was to discuss you my love." ALicent remarked running a hand over her hair. 

"Oh..." Ara agreed. 

"I said I would talk to you. He wants to get rid of Criston." 

"NO YOU CANT LET HIM!" Ara begged desperately. 

"I wont." Alicent assured. "I love him too."

"So what happens?"

"Do you regret what you said to the king?" Alicent pondered. 

"I regret getting caught." Ara offered. Alicent gave her a pointed look "Do I regret it? Yes." Ara admitted. "Would I do it again? Probably." 


"I'm not a successful adult!" 

"ARA!" ALicent begged. 

"Because I am still a child." Ara reminded her. "I make mistakes and you forgive and still love me." 

"I will always love you my sweet girl." Alicent agreed. 

"So, Criston stays... forever?"


All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now