45. Watch Me Win

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"Aemond... too early." Ara groaned.

"Training with ser Criston this morning." Aemond reminded her kissing her again as he untangled from her.

"He likes you." Ara whispered and Aemond smiled back at her as he put his shirt on. "And before I thought he was using your training sessions to tire you out so you wouldnt have time for me." Aemond moved back to her his body covered hers as his lips found hers. A purr left her lips as his body rolled against hers.

"Aemond!" Ara whinned as he pulled away.

"Cant get on your fathers bad side." Aemond corrected as Ara fell back into the pillows. "Come watch me win." He added lips dragged over her ear before he headed out.


'' All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragons tone and heir to the Iron Throne and her royal consort, Prince Daemon Targaryen.'' Steffon Darklyn announced as they arrived at the capital.

''Welcome back, Princess.''

''Lord Caswell.'' Rhaenyra remarked as they walked inside. "I would say it's nice to be home, but I scarcely recognize it."

''Mm.'' Daemon agreed looking around it looked like a graveyard.


''We have continued to enjoy improved customs duties since the settling of the Step stones. And the extent to which we exploit those is contingent on the harbor master's receipts. Of which, um, uh, the, uh, septons have requested half that again for a bronze bust they wish to co... to commission for the, the Festival of the Mother, which I would not recommend." Beesbury said to the council.

'Thank you for that exhaustive accounting, Lord Beesbury." Alicent told him, she sat in Viserys spot. He rarely left his bed and he was in no shape to rule. Ara loved it. Loved that her mother was in charge.

The Queen! King who? Dont know him. Westeros was under the capable hands of Alicent Hightower and Ara was so proud.

''I remind you...'' but the door opened and Alicent turned to the guard.

'' Your guests have arrived, Your Grace.''

''I trust they've been welcomed as befits their station.'' Otto remarked stiffly.

''As you instructed, Lord Hand.''

'' It was my understanding Lord Corlys wished for his grandson Lucerys to succeed him as Lord of the Tides. The boy has been raised most of his life away from Driftmark. He can fly a dragon, yes, but can he command a fleet?'' Grand master Orwyle reminded them.

''Ability does not alter his claim.''

''The Sea Snake has never formally named him as heir, if it comes to that. The crown must choose what is best for the realm.''

'' He is Laenor's son. What grounds could there be...''

''What indeed, Lord Beesbury. What indeed.'' Otto agreed. Ara liked Jace, loved him but he was a bastard just like their wonderful Ara.

''We shall hear Princess Rhaenyra's petition, along with those of the other claimants on the morrow." Alicent told them as she rose up. Ara was nervous about Jace coming. When Alicent told her that Rhaenyra was coming about claims Ara basically went pale.

''But...' Beesbury tried again

''I do beg your pardon, my lords. I must greet our guests." Alicent told them.

''Shall we levy a tax on the sale of new wool?" Alicent rolled her eyes.

''Your Grace... a matter has arisen that requires your attention.'' Erryk said as they left the small council room.

" Whatever it is, Ser Arryk, it'll need to wait." Alicent hissed

''I'm Erryk, Your Grace.''

''Of course. My apologies, ser.'' Alicent agreed. Twins. She hated twins how was she supposed to tell them apart? Her ara and Daeron were the complete opposite but these guards identical.

''It's about the Prince. There's been a delicate situation in his apartments.''


"Hela I have a question," ara remarked as she came into her chambers.

"Okay?" Helaena answered hesitantly.

"You know mother loves you right?" Ara questioned.

"Sure." Helaena agreed.

"And that you and I- well its not a competition for mothers love." Ara remarked awkwardly.

"Sure, sure." Helaena agreed brushing out her hair.

"And you didnt feel like... less then or anything right?"

"What are you on about?" Helaena questioned finally looking at Ara directly.

"Daeron said a lot of shit and it just got me thinking... you know I love you and mama loves you and well viserys is an old shit head. But I love you and I dont want you to think-" Aras words were stopped as Helaena hugged her tight.

"Jace might be your best friend but Ara you are my best friend and I love you so much."


''Father?'' Rhaenyra asked approached his bed Viserys lay with wheezing breaths in his lungs.

" Who goes there?" Viserys questioned disoriented.

"Father. It's me, my King." Rhaenyra said sitting beside him on the bed. ''Rhaenyra.'

Rhaenyra had abandoned her father for six years she only came back when she needed him. Needed the power of the crown. She saw his withered state and time had not been kind to him.


"Be gentle on him." Ara instructed and Aemond chuckled shaking his head. "Hes not as young as he used to be and I would be a shit protector if I allowed my own fiancé to beat my Criston to the ground."

"Such little faith in me sweetheart?" Criston mused.

"No no of course not." Ara assured. "Mama and I would be very sad if Aemond broke you though."

"No faith in me." Criston declared pulling Ara to him.

"Aemonds really good." Ara answered innocently. "But I still believe in you." Ara assured smiling back at Criston.

''Father... there's someone we wish to introduce you to. '' Rhaenyra told him as he counited with his labored breathing before them. He didn't look like a king anymore. His face weathered his eye gone, he was weak and fading quickly.


''Brother.'' Daemon answered softly.

''Who is that?' Viserys questioned looking to the silver haired babe before him

''Father... this is Aegon."

"Aegon." Viserys said through an exhale as though he recognized his own aegon let alone an impostor Aegon through his haze of pain.

"And this... is Viserys." Rhaenyra told him

" Ah... Viserys. Oh." Viserys choked out a laugh. ''Now that is a name fit for a king.'' He laughed out but soon started coughing, the children were scared of his face. ''Oh... Oh, oh... Oh, I'm sorry.' Viserys said as the babies started crying. ''Oh, I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry.'' Viserys repeated. ''I'm so... Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sor... Please.'' Viserys took a heavy breath and mouthed. ''My tea... My tea.''

''What tea? This?'' Rhaenyra asked looking down at it.

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now