44. Second Guessing

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''Syrax brought a fresh clutch three eggs three eggs!'' Daemon exclaimed "place them in a North facing warming circle.' Daemon instructed

''At once my prince." They took the eggs from Daemon. "the maester brought this.... just arrived from the lady Baela on driftmark.' Daemon took the scroll as the two men walked away Daemon read it over slowly.


"We need to start planning!" Alicent declared.

"Yes. This is going to be way better then my wedding." Helaena agreed. Ara looked up from her niece and nephew they had grown so much. Ara had been pining after Jace when they were born and now they were toddling around. Little phrases on their tongues.

"Whats wrong love? Are you not excited?" Alicent coed moving to Ara as Jaehaera ran to the window peering out as bird flew by.

"I havent spoken to Jace." ara reminded them.

"And yet you and Aemond-" helaena declared shimmying her shoulders.

"I love Aemond but jace is- was- is.... He's my best friend. We were going to be married. I just-" ara sighed slumping to the floor. Jaehaerys lay down next to her giggling back at her.

"You are not having second thoughts are you?" Alicent questioned hesitantly.

"I love Aemond. I just dont want to hurt Jace."


''The Conqueror and his sisters sailed with a great army.'' Jace repeated

''Se Blakuata Rasho dranot vilinio viartis." Maester Gerardys told him in high valayian. Jace let out a sigh as he tried to remember the right translation.

''And landed at the Blackwater Rush." Jace told him

"Dranot." He corrected and Jace's face pinched

'Dranot, Dranot, Dranot.'' He repeated again and again.

''At the end?'' Gerardys urged. Jace closed his eyes as he paced.

''The mouth.'' Rhaenyra told him as she walked forward.

''Mouth!'' he declared a moment too late. 

"Ah, come on, Jace, you knew that."

" Dranot, dranot, dranot vilinio viartis. Dranot, dranot." He repeated again. Rhaenyra had not told jace of her plans for a new union. Jace and Ara had drifted apart she thought he wouldnt care. Thought he would meet someone new and fall madly in love. But he didnt. Although distance had left jace maybe less in love Ara was still his best friend and once they were together again things would spark. The chemistry between them would ignite like their dragon blood.

''Come on, Jace. Perhaps that's enough for this morning." Rhaenyra suggested.

''No, no. I-I want to keep going.'' Jace assured. ''Maester.'' He begged. If he was smart and skilled in word and sword when he saw Ara she would fall in love with him and any possible crushes she had formed would vanish immediately.

''Guesi misenakson Aegon undas.'' Gerardys went on

''Aegon... ordered that the trees should be..." Jace pursed his lips in concentration ''...killed.''

''Felled.' Rhaenyra corrected

''It is a related word.' Jace offered hopefully. He was a failure. He had so many plans for him and Ara. They would study together they would spend all night together. They would have built that treehouse spent nights together. He would have kissed her every night and every morning. Luke and Joffrey would love her too but instead Joffrey didnt know her. He only knew the stories they told him.

''I don't expect you to learn High Valyrian in a day, Jace.'' Rhaenyra reminded him

''A king should honor the traditions of his forbears.'' Jace reminded her. He would be king one day and Ara would be his queen.

''Well... unless you're planning to depose your own mother, you have plenty of time to study.'' Rhaenyra reminded him and Jace nodded as the door opened. "Leave us." Rhaenyra told them all as Daemon came in.

''Joffrey... come.'' Jace said extending a hand for him. Daemon came first. He did since they were wed. Jace wondered if Ara would have called Rhaenyra on her shit like Jace wanted to. If Ara would speak her mind when Daemon pushed to far. Rhaenyra was blinded to it. Aparently it was a Targaryen flaw.

''He means to call into question Luke's legitimacy. And by extension Jace, and by extension my own claim to the throne''. Rhaenyra remarked appalled as Daemon passed off the scroll.

" Vaemond cares only about Driftmark and the Velaryon line. Not about our politics. Has he made common cause with Otto High tower yet?" Rhaenyra went on and Daemon tilted his head from side to side in contemplation.

''Hm, this is what I fear. Rhaenys has flown to court.'' Daemon agreed

''Surely, she cannot be planning to back him.''

''No. Whatever disagreements we may have had, she's not cruel... or stupid enough to do that.'' Daemon agreed


''She believes we had her son killed so that we might marry.'' Daemon reminded her and Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. 

''Yes... and yet, she's taken Baela to ward.'' Rhaenyra reminded him

''Yes. It is Laena's memory she honors. She has no love for us.'' Daemon reminded her.  ''Has the vipers' venom spread so far?''

''Those vipers rule in my father's name. And my father..." Rhaenyra sighed.  ''What choice do I have?''

''To King's Landing, then.'' Daemon agreed. "Perhaps we use the bond jace and Aranyani have to remind the current crown who real family is."

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now