38. Strip

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'What are you reading?' Ara nearly jumped out of her skin

'AEMOND!' she smacked the book at him.' Dont. Scare. Me.'

'Im sorry i didnt think i was' he said laughing "I'm just surprised to find you reading." 

"Being in the library got me thinking we have all these books and then I found this book on mama's dresser and I started reading it while she was in a meeting and books are good, why didnt you tell me?" Ara teased. 

"Must have slipped my mind." Aemond agreed as he kissed her cheek. "What are you reading thats so wonderful?"

'Im reading a romance with the longest fucking slow burn in existence!' She exclaimed 'we went the whole book with the two of them so clearly in love and not saying a damn thing and now only a few pages left and they are confessing their love. So shut up or go away.' she shoed him away. Aemond chuckled lifting her legs and sitting down. He ran a distracting hand over her legs as she tried to finish the story. 

"I'm- Aemond, the words move enough without you sitting there all handsome like." Ara informed him seriously. 

"What should I do?" Aemond mused. Ara tossed a blanket over his head. "Better?" His voice muffled from the blanket Ara laughed out. She read a page before his hand trailed farther up her leg giving her thigh a squeeze. 

"Aemond," ara whined. 

"I'm not saying a peep." He reminded her as he sat, blanket still covering his handsome head. She clamped her legs together and tried to focus. Aemond pulled the blanket off and stared back at her. 

"It was getting hot under there." Aemond offered. Ara bit her lip as he lay between her legs, his head resting on her stomach, his hands running her thighs. Ara couldnt stop her smile and she wanted this forever. She turned her gaze back to her book, reading the final page and her smile dropped. She reread the last two pages before slamming her book closed. 

'They killed him'. She announced throwing the book down. 'They fucking killed him after he declared his love for her... And they call this shit romance.' Ara muttered

'So good book?' Aemond teased sitting up. 

'Fantastic book!' Ara agreed. 'whats love without a bit of death and heartbreak right?'' she mused grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him to her. "You came in here looking all handsome for a reason or just wanted to see me?" 

"Both." Aemond agreed kissing her again. "Come on, we are going swimming." 

"Is this another water manipulation test? Because I read a book." Ara remarked. "thats enough learning for one day." she begged. 

"Just fun." Aemond assured her. So they set off. 

"Are you sure this isnt a trap for trying to get me to work on my water manipulation?" Ara mused as Aemond pulled off his shirt. 

"Nope." Aemond assured. "Strip." Aemond said against her lips. The swimming hole was beautiful, the waterfall was loud, fast streams racing into the water before them. 

Ara pulled at her clothes and let her hair fall down around her shoulders. She looked to Aemond and his hands were stopped at his belt as he stared back at her, she would always be a goddess, true goddess and his goddess. 

"You stuck?" Ara teased giving his belt a tug before she moved to the edge of the water. 

"Come on Aemond

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"Come on Aemond." Ara called as she walked into the water. 

Aemond stumbled pulling his clothes tripping over his pant legs to get to ara. He ran into the water sinking down immediately. He looked over at Ara and she was still high up. 

"Ara." Aemond called out and she turned to him. Then looked down confused. "You are walking on water gorgeous." 

"Well... would you look at that." Ara declared. Aemond smiled as water poured down around her, her watched the water trickle down over her skin. 

"Get down here." Aemond begged and Ara took a deep breath and felt the water consuming her. He watched her legs sink under, his eyes moved up with the water line up her stomach, her breasts until her shoulders peeked out and she moved towards him. 

"Better?" Ara questioned and Aemond kissed her his hand grabbed her ass pulling her up to him.  Her legs wrapped around him as the waves rocked against them. 

"Perfect." He rasped against her. 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now