20. Explain Yourself

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"Hello Princess Aranyani." Larys remarked smiling back at her. 

"Lord Larys." Ara answered. 

"I'm glad you are back. Your mother was very worried about you and your brother."  Larys remarked. 

"Are you and my mama friends?" Ara questioned. 

''We are." Larys agreed. Even if the friendship was more one sided at times.  Ara looked him over, she didnt want this man stepping on Criston's chances on getting with Alicent. Ara took a step forward and Larys had never felt so nervous in his life as this little Goddess of a girl moved closer to him. 

"Just friends though." Ara demanded. "I would hate for you to step on someone elses toes, getting what they deserved." Larys swallowed the lump in his throat, why did she say it like that? Did she know? Surely she was would kill him if she knew. She certainly tormented Daeron for less. 

"Just friends." Larys agreed. 

"Good..." Ara agreed as she walked past him. Larys glanced back at her before heading on his way, Ara heard the click of his cane on the ground as he left. 


"The princess seems more than capable." Larys had mused.

"She would gladly hurt you as well." Alicent informed him and Larys rose a curious brow. "She thinks all Strong men are the enemy after your brother attacked Ser Criston."

"Not all." Larys countered vaguely.

"No, you are right... she is quite fond of the princes..." Alicent agreed. "But I heard her thinly threatening your father earlier, I wouldnt be surprised if you made sure you knew she was in charge as well."

"Interesting, well I will have to prove I'm no threat." Larys offered. 


So now Larys had to prove himself to Ara as well and that meant trying to get an in, to keep himself from ending up like his brother, a large man easily thrown with Ara's rage and that was before Aemond and Criston brought her to the God tree.

"Your grace?" Larys questioned as he came into her chambers. Ara stared back at him from the table. "Princess. Nice to see you again."

"What are you doing here?" Ara countered defensively. 

"I came to see your mother." Larys offered. 

"It is quite late." Ara corrected crossing her arms over her chest. 

"It is..." Larys agreed slowly. 

"And yet you thought it appropriate to come into my mama's chambers?" Ara sneered. 


"I thought we understood each other." Ara tsked as she rose up. "But It seems I was wrong. You are going to be a problem."

"Problem? No, NO." Larys corrected. "I adore your mother I-"

"Adore her now do you?" Ara hissed. 

"I just meant-"

"Yes what did you just mean?" Ara shouted rooting her hands on her hips. "Go on, explain yourself." 

"Princess Aranyani, there has been a mistake." Larys pondered taking anxious steps back. 

"Mistake? How so? I spoke to you and you made it clear you were mama's friend and now you are coming into her chambers at night." Ara shouted.

"I should go." Larys offered. 

"You should but I dont trust you." Ara informed him. "I think you need to stay and explain yourself." Ara demanded pointing a finger at him and he felt a blast of air rush through the window knocking him back. He landed with a thud on the ground. He stared nervously up at Ara as the ants came out from the corners of the room lifting his cane pulling it away from him. Larys reached for it but Ara fisted her hand and his body was restricted vines quickly bond him on the ground before her. 

"Go on. Explain yourself, Strong." 

Criston heard the thud, thought Alicent was hurt when he pushed open the door he saw Ara glaring down at Larys. Larys was terrified, it was clear by the soiling of his pants as he quivered before Ara. 

"Princess." Criston whispered and her gaze shifted up to him.

"Hello Criston." Ara declared moving past Larys to hug Criston. "Larys and I had a talk. He wont be coming into mothers chambers again or he is going to live in the woods for all eternity." Ara declared with the sweetest of smiles as Larys felt the vines loosen and he could breathe again. "Right Larys?" Ara sneered down at him. 

"Yes princess." Larys agreed hastily. Criston watched as the cane seemed to move on its own back into Larys reach then he saw the ants scatter once they dropped the cane.  Larys moved to the door as Ara grabbed her half eaten cake from the table. 

"Walk me back daddy?" Ara questioned as Criston dipped his finger in the frosting. 

"Of course, Sweetie." Criston agreed sucking the frosting from his finger. 

"You dont have to worry about Larys anymore." Ara remarked. "He wont be bothering mama again." 

"Where have you been?" Helaena questioned. "Oh cake!" 

"Thanks daddy." Ara coed as she headed inside. 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now