26. Not a Requirement

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"Big name day, ten and three." Alicent remarked smiling back at Ara. "What shall we do?" 

"Jace wrote." Ara remarked softly. "He wants to visit." Aemond's jaw clenched, hand fisting under the table. 

"Lover boy still drooling over you?" Daeron declared loudly. 

"You still write him often?" Alicent questioned as she picked at her food. Ara shrugged. Not as much as she used to. 

"He wants to fuck her." Aegon declared. 

"AEGON!" Alicent hissed. 

"What?" Aegon countered nonchalantly. "Look at my Petal, shes perfect and he wants to give it a go before the union is broken off."

"AEGON!" Alicent demanded. "That is enough."

"That's what I would do." Aegon remarked. "Test run." he added winking back at her. Ara knew that Aegon was mainly teasing but she didnt like how angry both her mother and Aemond were at his comments. 

"Aegon jests." Ara assured them. "Right Aegon?" He smirked back at her as he brought his glass to his lips. "Lack of sleep due to the twins?" Ara went on trying to help her brother. "Jaehaera and Jaehaerys keeping you up?"

"As if he tends to them." Helaena countered. 

Ara knew little of childbirth. Little of children, she was always the baby of the family. Sure Luke was younger but she was little when Luke was born. Then Joffrey... well he went to dragonstone barely a moon after his birth. Ara knew it was loud and painful. Knew the process of making a child was something she had never done. She only ever kissed Jace, and knew that if one was to have premarital fornications you would get pregnant and die. 

Ara hoped that was a lie. For when the time came for her to do more, want more... She didnt right now though so she didnt care. 

"I know this isnt ideal." ALicent remarked. "But maybe we look on the positive-"

"It's my name day too." Daeron reminded her. "Did you forget that?"

"I did not." Alicent countered. 

"Then why did you only ask Ara?" Daeron questioned. 

"Daeron what would you-"

"Too late. I know I'm not the favorite." Daeron declared dramatically. 

"Daeron what do you want to do for your and Ara's name day?" Alicent questioned sweetly. 

"I know what was do." Aegon offered.

"Stop drinking. You are not fucking me tonight." Helaena muttered. 

"As if." Aegon countered. 

"You get like this when you are drunk." Helaena countered. "I dont like it. No one likes it." 

"Fuck off Helaena." Aegon spat back. 

"Can you be nicer to your sister Aegon?" Otto questioned. 

"Can you stop asking to fuck Ara?" Aemond added. 

"You dont want me to ask?" Aegon taunted. Aemond didnt think twice, he just punched him. "FUCKIN HELL!" Aegon shouted shoving him back. 

"Enough, enough!" ALicent begged. 

"Control your eldest mum." Daeron sniggered. "Clearly we are all a big shit show."

"I dont understand why everyone has to be so judgmental." Aegon remarked stubbornly. "I understand why mums judgmental. I think its because she cares, partially."

"Partially, thank you Aegon." Alicent murmured.

"I think its partially because everyone else is looking at her like Aegon's this, Aegon's that, Aegon's shit. I am Aegon and Aegon is me. Let me be me." 

"This supper is going so great and I dont know which fork to kill myself with." Helaena muttered. 

"Aemond. Tree house?" Ara questioned as she got up. Aemond nodded smiling as she grabbed his hand. 

"To bed for the rest of you." Alicent demanded. She reached out grabbing Helaena's hand keeping her at the table while everyone else cleared out. Helaena drank down her wine stabbing at her food. 

Helaena had delivered twins. Twins a boy and a girl. Ara was happy, she wanted babies and Alicent made it clear she couldnt. She couldnt give Ara that while the king lived. Ara understood. She didnt want her mama or Criston to get in trouble.

But Helaena didnt connect with her children. But she supposed they were little. Alicent saw a similar sight in Helaena that she saw in herself when she had wed Viserys all those years ago.

"We both know Aegon will show you no such devotion. You may never love Aegon, but you will love your children." Alicent remarked. "If not now... eventually the love will grow once you get past the pain."

"I love Aegon... with all my heart." Helaena answered on command. Alicent smirked back at her.

"That's so very touching to hear. That my stupid union between you two worked." Alicent remarked and Helaena sighed. "But we are alone my dearest, you need not lie to me." Alicent assured. "Permit me to share some womanly wisdom with you." Alicent offered instead when Helaena remained silent. "The more people you love, the weaker you are. You'll do things for them that you know you shouldn't do. You'll act the fool to make them happy, to keep them safe. Love no one but your children." Alicent informed her confidently. "On that front, a mother has no choice."

"Loving Aegon is not a requirement?" Helaena countered.

"You can try," Alicent countered. "You can try."

"Do you love me?" Helaena questioned. ALicent answered without hesitation.

"Of course I love you." 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя