~The End~

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This is the End, everyone...for now!


First of all, thank you to Teddy for providing me with lots of "beary" support! You're the main inspiration that I got for this amazing story! I've always partly believed that stuffies were real, even though there was no proof. I really do hope that this story comes true one day!

I'll also never forget you, Pandy! Thank you for providing me with my other very important inspiration. You were the one who made me feel like the story was getting real and that's what kept me writing until I got this wonderful story!

And most important of all, thank you to my parents! Thank you for helping me when I got stuck in some of the sections of this story! I could have never written this story all the way if it wasn't for you.

Lastly, thank you to my awesome readers! Thanks for reading this story and making me think that I was at least a bit famous! Thank you for taking an interest and taking part in this thrilling and fun adventure!

A quick note:

Dear readers,

Stay tuned for Book 2 of Stuffy World: A World of Destruction! This book will be the final book in conclusion to the Stuffy World series. I'll publish it really soon, just stay tuned!

Please send this to everyone you know! It will be super helpful :)

Hope you enjoyed this book and are excited about the next one!


A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now