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Silence greeted this idea. I spoke up first, "Why, Pandy?" Pandy looked nervous, "I want to save the Stuffy World. The monster destroyed our home. I just want to save the stuffies there."

I knew how the stuffies must be feeling now. They all looked shocked at the suggestion, but also hopeful they might find other stuffies. But fear was stopping them from accepting this suggestion.

"It is too dangerous, Pandy. The monster might still be there, we barely escaped last time. I don't ever want to go to the Stuffy World again." Teddy said, looking frightened. Pandy shook his head, looking determined.

"We can defeat the monster and save the Stuffy World. I know we can. Please, I just want to try." Pandy said. The stuffies looked expectantly at me, waiting for me to comment on the idea.

"I think that's a good idea, Pandy. But we must be careful. We cannot go now, it is too dangerous. We will train and prepare." I said. All the stuffies nodded. Pink stepped out and spoke.

"What should we do with Lucille?" Pink asked, looking at the bag that contained Lucille. I thought for a moment, then said, "We will let Lucille go for now. If she hurts you guys in any way, report to me immediately."

Everyone nodded, though some looked angry. I nodded at Teddy for him to open the bag. The stuffies all looked tense. Lucille got out of the bag and looked around, "Hey guys, is putting me in a bag fun for you?"

The stuffies all glowered at Lucille. I quickly calmed them down, "Guys, relax. Lucille, you are free now. But this is a warning, you are not to hurt anyone. If you do, you will be sent back to the bag."

Lucille nodded. "Right. Thank you for coming, everyone. I'll probably call a meeting later. Go to your new home!" I said. The stuffies left the room, walking towards the Phoenix headquarters.

Teddy and Pandy stayed behind. "Pandy, Teddy. We need to figure out how to protect the stuffies more. We will set traps in the secret headquarters. I think we should do it today." I said.

"Protect the stuffies....from me?" A voice said behind me. I whirled around and saw Lucille. "Partly." I calmly said, turning back to Pandy and Teddy, "Now, where was I? Yes, we should set traps now."

"If you are setting traps for me, then it wouldn't be very smart to talk about it in front of me," Lucille said from behind me. I scowled, "Yes, it wouldn't. So why don't you leave? I think it would benefit all of us."

Teddy and Pandy both looked annoyed at Lucille. "Of course, as you wish. But just so you know....I won't fall into any of the traps." Lucille said, before leaving the room. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Well, Lucille left. Good, let's focus on the traps. I have an alarm system. It won't keep Lucille out, but it will warn the stuffies." I said to Pandy and Teddy. They nodded. I smiled.

I yawned, "I think I'm a little tired now. Let's set the alarm system later. Meet you in half an hour?" Teddy and Pandy said together, "Sure." Teddy and Pandy left my bedroom.

I lay down, staring at the ceiling. A lot had happened in such a short time. Some were good and some were bad. I wasn't sure if I made the right decision to let Lucille out. Maybe she'll hurt the stuffies.

I fell asleep with those thoughts. I couldn't help but worry. I tried to believe that this would all work out. But I knew we wouldn't be that lucky, there would be struggles along the way, even if we manage to have hope.

"Lulu, wake up!" A voice called. I jumped out of bed and saw Teddy looking at me. "Teddy, what's wrong?" I asked, feeling worried. "A stuffy just disappeared! Lucille too. We think Lucille might have captured the stuffy!"

I gasped, "This is bad. Call everyone to my room." Teddy nodded and ran out of my room. I paced back and forth, thinking about Lucille. After a few minutes, all the stuffies came walking into my room.

They all looked worried. "Stuffies, I bring bad news. You may or may not have noticed, a stuffy has gone missing. We suspect Lucille has captured the stuffy. We are here to make a plan and get the stuffy back."

All the stuffies gasped and muttered to each other. Pink stepped out and said, "We will divide into groups to find the stuffy." I nodded. The stuffies split into groups and set off. I sighed.

I thought everything would be great after we captured Lucille, but I was very wrong. The only thing I could do was face it. I set off for Ava's house to warn her. Maybe she could help too.

When I rang the doorbell, Ava stepped outside and saw me. She hurried over, "What is going on, Lulu? The stuffies are searching for something here!" I nodded, "They are searching for Lucille."

Ava gaped at me. I quickly explained the situation to Ava. When I finished, Ava was very pale. "Do not worry, Ava. We will find the stuffy and get Lucille." I comforted Ava. She nodded shakily.

"I will help," Ava said, looking determined. I smiled gratefully at Ava. I went inside Ava's house and saw the stuffies running around, looking for Lucille. Pink saw me and waved me over.

"Hi, Lulu. We are searching here. We found Lucille's fur here, but there's no sign of her or the stuffies now." Pink said briskly. I nodded, "Good. Be careful, Ava's parents might find you."

Ava came over to us and said, "My parents went shopping today, they won't find you guys. For now, I think." Pink smiled at Ava. A scream sounded behind me, I whipped around.

Pandy was looking shocked and pointing at something. I hurried over and gasped. More stuffies came over to look. There was a blanket covering something, I slowly pushed the blanket away. It was the stuffy that went missing!

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now