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I hummed to myself as I inspected the stuffed animals trapped in the bag. How could they move? I was so surprised when I discovered a stuffed animal talking and moving. This could be a great discovery!

The stuffed animals all started screaming. I quickly closed the bag, looking around for someone to be looking at the stuffed animals. I sighed in relief when I didn't hear anyone.

I opened the bag again, "Be quiet, or I'll never let Lulu go." The stuffed animals quietened. "Now, I have a few questions. How are you moving and talking?" I asked, feeling curious.

One of the stuffed animals spoke up, "We were made by a scientist." I gasped, "How did you escape?" Another stuffed animal said, "The scientist went out, so we escaped. Lulu found us."

I nodded, "Good. I'll ask more questions later." I left, feeling happy. I could be rich! I could sell the stuffed animals. Then I could host a show about stuffed animals. I made plans for the stuffed animals.

Just then, a loud bang echoed in the house. I turned and hurried over to the bag. It was still there. I shrugged and went back to making plans. But another loud bang sounded from the glass where Lulu was.

I went over to the glass and saw Lulu smashing the glass apart with a rock. Before I could do anything, Lulu ran out of the room. I stood there, in shock. How did Lulu get the rock?

I realized I should be chasing after Lulu, not standing there. I ran out of the room after Lulu. But I knew I would be too late. The bag was empty when I went there. I sighed, my plans were ruined.

I walked outside, looking for Lulu. I saw her running away. I ran after Lulu and grabbed her. She looked at me, "Silas, let go." I glowered at Lulu, "Or else what?" Lulu sighed and called out, "Do it!"

A big net covered me. I couldn't see anything, but I heard voices. "Can he escape?" The stuffed animal's voice asked. "No, I don't think so." I heard footsteps. Then it stopped, "Let's go."

I felt a tug and then I was moving. I sat inside the net, thinking about what they were going to do to me. I felt the net stop moving. Lulu opened the net and dragged me into a room.

I looked around in shock. So many stuffed animals were staring at me. Lulu shot me a warning look before speaking, "Stuffies, this is the human that captured the stuffy." Angry shouts rose.

"Lock him up! He doesn't deserve to be here! How dare he treat the stuffy that way!?" A stuffed animal shouted, looking outraged, "Lulu, we must find a hole and throw him down there!"

Lulu clapped her hands together, "Quiet! I haven't explained yet. This human wants to capture all the stuffies. We must be careful. There will be people like him. Now, we will vote for what to do with him."

"Please put your hands in the air if you would like to let him go," Lulu said, looking around. No one raised their hand. Lulu nodded, "Right. We will lock him up for now." Lulu gestured at the stuffed animals to do something.

The stuffed animals crowded around me. I was pushed into a room. The stuffed animals all left the room, muttering to themselves. Lulu and two other stuffed animals stayed behind.

"Let me go!" I shouted. Lulu looked at me, there was no expression on her face. The stuffed animals all looked at Lulu expectantly. "They are stuffies that have rights," Lulu said, before leaving the room.

The two stuffed animals - stuffies, I mean - left the room too. I sat there, waiting. Maybe they would come and visit. I would take my chance and run out of the room. I lay down on the floor.

After a long time, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said, knowing they would come in even if I didn't say that. A stuffy came in, "Follow me." I sat up and walked out of the room.

The stuffies were standing in the room, Lulu was there too. When she saw me, she smiled, "Good. He is here. Guards, please make sure." A few stuffies used a rope to drag me.

Lulu nodded, "Well, let's start. We are here to decide what to do with this human." A stuffy beside Lulu spoke, "I think we should let him go." Lulu shook her head, "Pandy, he captured a stuffy."

Another stuffy spoke up, "I think we should listen to Silas." Lulu nodded and looked at me. I sighed but decided to tell them, "I was walking in the streets, then I noticed something running."

The stuffy I captured waved to get Lulu's attention, "I was running, Lulu. I wanted to explore." Lulu nodded for me to continue. "I wanted to be rich, so I put the thing in a bag and studied it."

Angry murmurs sounded, "We are not a pet, human!" Lulu looked angry too, she shouted, "Everyone, quiet down! Silas, do not treat the stuffies this way! They are living beings like you!"

I realized how much the stuffies felt. I nodded, "I am sorry, truly. I didn't realize how my actions would lead to this. I just wanted to be rich enough to buy food for my family." The stuffies all became quiet.

Lulu broke the silence, "Silas, that is understandable. Do not treat the stuffies with disrespect next time." I smiled, "Of course, Lulu." The stuffies all cheered. A stuffy next to Lulu asked, "What should we do next?"

"We are going to visit the Stuffy Show!" Lulu declared. The stuffies nodded and left the room. I hurried over to Lulu, "What about me?" She looked confused for a moment, "Um....What about you?"

I nodded impatiently, "Yes. What about me? What am I going to do?" Lulu shrugged, "You do whatever you want." I gaped at Lulu, "You....You'll just let me go?" Lulu nodded and smiled.

"B-but I captured a stuffy! Aren't you going to lock me up or something?" I said. Lulu shook her head, "You know where you made a mistake. If you don't do it again, I don't see any reason to keep you here."

"T-thank you," I said when an idea struck me. "Can I help?" Lulu looked shocked, "Sure, I guess. We'll have to vote, but I'm sure they'll agree." I nodded happily and also left the room.

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now