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Feel free to laugh at the pic...really couldn't find anything better ;)

"Master, please!" Five begged. I held the stuffy in front of me, "What part of keeping the girl here did you not understand? I gave you a simple job, and you failed!" Five looked terrified.

Five nodded, "I did understand, Master. Please! I will go and get the girl and the stuffies!" I looked at Five angrily for a few moments, then dropped the stuffy back on the ground.

"Fine! You have five minutes to get them. If you do not....you know what will happen." I said, smirking. Five nodded, "Of course, Master. I will not fail you." I nodded slightly, "You'd better not. Go."

Five scrambled out of the room. I smiled and left the room too. "The girl will be coming here in a few minutes. Prepare the feast. I want it ready in five minutes!" The staff members all nodded and set to work.

I walked out of the house and sighed. Things were not working out. I was so close to knowing the secret of the stuffies. The girl just had to ruin it. But I will know soon, I thought.

I followed Five to Lulu's house. I didn't trust anyone except for myself. Five was talking to Lulu. I hid behind a bush and listened. "I thought you were different!" Lulu shouted, looking outraged.

"Lulu, please! Master sent me. I have to get you to the 1380 Hotel in five minutes! Or he will punish me!" Five said, looking desperate. Lulu hesitated, "Fine. I will come with you." The stuffies walked out of the house.

I smirked to myself as I hid, at least something was working out. I walked out of the bush and turned to a surprised Lulu and a terrified Five. "Ah, there you are, Five. Glad to see you have completed the task."

Lulu nodded coldly at me, "What a pleasant surprise, Levi. I will go with you on one condition. You will not harm Five." I smiled, "Ah yes, I thought you would say that. I won't...if you follow my instructions."

Without waiting for Lulu's answer, I walked off. Lulu followed me until we reached the hotel. I opened the door and ushered Lulu in. The staff looked at Lulu quickly and turned back to their work.

Lulu sat down on the chair and looked at me expectantly. "Now, I think I'll skip the pleasantries. I have a question for you. What do you know about stuffies?" I said, leaning across the table.

"Oh, I know a lot. But that doesn't mean I'll tell you." Lulu said. I scowled, "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way then. Guards, lock her up." Lulu smiled at me, "I'll tell you something. Stuffies are something you will never be."

I glowered at her, "You don't know anything! Guards, lock her up!" Lulu smirked, "Well, I guess this is the end of our little conversation. See you next time, Levi." The guards dragged her out of the room.

I was bursting with happiness as I walked out of the room. I can finally get to know the stuffies, I can experiment on them. Just then, I spotted Five walking towards me. I smiled at Five, "Yes, Five?"

"M-master, I-I would like to request for you to let Lulu go." Five said, looking terrified. My smile vanished, "You do, do you? Guards, escort Five out." Five shook, "No, no, no. Please, master!"

I scowled at Five, "No, I will not let you go. You and Lulu can share a room." I was too busy scowling at Five, I didn't realize a person coming toward me with a bat. I spun around, but it was too late.

A bang sounded, and I felt myself falling. "You will not harm anyone." A voice hissed. I tried to speak, but my body won't move. Then darkness took me.

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now