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"Where have you been, Ava?" My mom demanded as I walked into the house. "I was playing with my friends, I forgot to tell you," I mumbled, keeping my gaze on the floor. "Well, okay. Please tell us next time, Ava." Dad said.

I nodded and went outside again, I just couldn't stand lying to my parents, even though it was for a good cause. I was so deep in my thoughts, I didn't even notice Lulu racing toward me.

"Ava! Lucille is coming to attack you, we must be ready!" Lulu shouted, looking terrified. She was holding up a big bag. "R-really?" I said, feeling scared. Lulu beckoned me to follow her.

"We haven't got much time. I've managed to buy you some time, but I cannot help you now. This bag contains stuffies. If Lucille attacks you, open the bag. The stuffies will help you fight off Lucille." Lulu explained quickly.

I followed Lulu to the old secret headquarters, where Lulu once told me the truth about the stuffies. "Lucille won't find us here, for now," Lulu said, opening the bag. All the stuffies rushed out, holding sticks and rocks.

"Guys, relax. We're at your new home. We'll prepare for the battle here." Lulu said. I gasped, "We are fighting Lucille?" Lulu nodded, pain flashing across her face, "Yes. Pink found Lucille at my house."

"I caught Lucille and Pandy was taking Lucille to the hole. But Lucille escaped. Pandy told me immediately. Unfortunately, we have to fight Lucille, but we have proof that Lucille has betrayed us." Lulu looked sad.

I nodded quickly, "Okay! It's fine. I feel safer with the stuffies here." Lulu looked relieved, "I am sorry I can't help more. I will stay here and try to help you." I smiled slightly, pretending to be feeling confident.

"Oh, yes. I just remembered. Take this bag, you can trap Lucille there if you can." Lulu said, holding the bag that contained the stuffies. I took the bag and felt very nervous. What if we lose this battle?

A stuffy ran towards us, "I saw her! Lucille is coming!" Lulu nodded firmly, "Right, guys. Get ready. Hide." The stuffies hid behind the bushes. "Good luck." Lulu whispered, "Distract Lucille for as long as you can."

I nodded. Lulu ran behind a huge tree and stayed silent. I held my breath, waiting for Lucille to show up. I saw Lucille running towards me. "Oh, hi. What do you want, Lucille?" I asked, pretending to be calm.

Lucille looked around for anyone else. When she was satisfied, she turned to me. "Hello, Ava. Nice seeing you here. You have treated me very unfairly. Today, I will get my revenge!" Lucille said, looking angry.

"W-what? I d-didn't do anything w-wrong." I said, trying to not stutter. Lucille glared at me, "You did. Now, I am not here for a chat with you. Lucky I got you on your own. No Lulu or the stuffies to save you now!"

I hid my smile, "Then what are you going to do?" Lucille stared at me smugly, "Get my revenge, of course. Let's get on with it." I braced myself for the attack, ready to call Lulu and the stuffies.

But Lucille hesitated. I could see guilt in her expression. Lucille didn't want to do this. "You don't have to do this, Lucille. We can all be friends." I said softly. Turns out, it was the wrong thing to say.

Lucille glowered at me before saying, "I do." Without any warning, Lucille leapt towards me. I quickly dodged and shouted, "Guys! Need a little help here!" No answer came. Lucille looked confused for a moment.

"There is nobody else here! No one to help you, Ava!" Lucille said. I glanced at the bushes, praying the stuffies would come out and help me. Just then, rocks coming from the bushes hit Lucille.

Lucille glared at me, "So you did bring your little friends." Lulu stepped out of the huge tree, "Indeed, Lucille." I looked at Lulu gratefully. "Lucille, please stop this. We have done nothing to you."

"Except trying to lock me up, putting me in a bag, and hitting me with rocks," Lucille said. Lulu didn't back down, "Lucille, all we have done is protect the stuffies. You disappeared. We thought you betrayed us."

Lucille looked hesitant for a moment, "B-but you shouldn't have locked me up without proof!" Lulu nodded, "I agree with that. We shouldn't have. I am sorry about that. But now we do have proof."

The stuffies leapt out of the bush. I quickly picked Lucille up while she was distracted and put her into the bag. Lucille didn't even try to escape. The stuffies all looked relieved.

"Come on, guys. Let's go back to my house." Lulu said, leading the way. The stuffies quietly followed. We walked to Lulu's house and went upstairs to Lulu's room. I put the bag on the ground.

"Stuffies, we have protected the stuffies. Even though we had struggles," Lulu looked at the bag, "We still survived! We will keep protecting the stuffies, no matter what!" The stuffies cheered.

"Now, let us turn to more serious matters," Lulu said, "We will decide on a punishment for Lucille." Lulu looked at me expectantly. I realized she was waiting for me to decide first. I thought for a moment.

"I believe Lucille was just angry at me for treating her unfairly. I didn't mean to, but she thought I did it on purpose. Anyone would be angry about that. I think we should set a small punishment, then let Lucille go." I said firmly.

All the stuffies nodded in agreement. Lulu smiled at me, "Lucille will be kept in the bag for one day. Then we will let her go." Everyone nodded. Lulu looked happier now, I was glad this was all over.

"Now, we have to decide what we are going to do next. Does anyone have any ideas?" Lulu asked the stuffies and me. Teddy raised his hand. "Yes, Teddy?" Lulu asked. "I think we should contact the Stuffy Show."

Many stuffies looked confused. "The Stuffy Show is a show that talks about stuffies. We can listen to the Stuffy Show later. And yes, I agree. I think it's a great idea, Teddy!" Lulu said happily.

Pandy raised his hand. Lulu turned to him, "Yes, Pandy?" Pandy hesitated for a moment, "I don't know if this is a good idea...." Lulu shook her head, "If you have an idea, say it." Pandy took a deep breath, "I think we should go to the Stuffy World."

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now