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As I walked back home, I thought of what Ava said. Do I really trust her? The honest answer is maybe. I'm not sure what to believe anymore. But I can't judge her by Lucille. Lucille might have been lying.

The least I could do is give her another chance. But would Lucille agree? Well, I'll find out soon. At least Teddy and Pandy will agree, I think. I took a deep breath and stepped into the house.

I went up to the hole and called out to Lucille, Pandy, and Teddy, "Hey guys! Come to my room! I have something to tell you guys!" A moment later, the stuffies came out and followed me to my bedroom.

"Oh, hi Lulu. What's this meeting about?" Lucille asked, looking bored. "Today I met Ava while walking in the streets. I have decided to give her a chance. But if she ruins it, I won't give her another one." I said, holding my breath.

Everyone froze for a moment, then chaos broke out. While Teddy shouted, "I agree! We should give Ava a chance!", Pandy jumped up and down and yelled, "Yay! This is super great news!"

Lucille huffed and said, "I don't agree." Everyone was silent, looking at me. "Um...Share your thoughts with us," I said, feeling nervous. Lucille glared at the stuffies and me and started talking.

"Ava does not deserve a chance! She cannot be trusted. Ava didn't believe Lulu when she told her the truth. Ava tried to attack me and I almost got hurt! Ava is not on our side, Lulu! We must fight her!" Lucille said, looking angry.

"But we don't know that. Ava might have changed her mind. Please, Lucille. Let's just give Ava a chance." I said, trying to convince Lucille. She still looked angry, "Ava attacked me!"

"But we don't actually know that," Pandy said, looking scared when the words tumbled out. I held my breath and prayed Lucille wouldn't get mad. I was sadly mistaken. "And what do you mean by that?" Lucille turned to Pandy.

"You might have lied," Pandy said bravely. I tried to silently make Pandy stop talking, but it did not work. "Y-you think I might have lied!? How dare you!?" Lucille looked beyond outraged now.

"Everyone, please. Calm down a bit, let's think this through." Teddy cut in. I nodded in agreement. Lucille huffed and glared at Pandy but didn't talk. Pandy looked down at the floor.

"Right. Let's sort one thing out at a time. First, we will vote. If you agree to give Ava a chance, please put your hand---" I paused for a moment, "Umm...Just put your paws here..."

Everyone nodded. Teddy and Pandy put their paws on the bed. Lucille scowled and didn't move at all. I waited for a moment, hoping Lucille would put hers on the bed, too. But she didn't.

I gave up waiting and spoke, "Well, it looks like we agree that we can give Ava a chance." Lucille cut me off, "No, I do not agree. This is all wrong. If you guys give Ava a chance, I will leave!"

Pandy, Teddy, and I stared at Lucille. Teddy spoke first, "Lucille.....can you tell us if you lied about Ava attacking you?" Lucille now looked guilty, "Of course not! How dare you accuse me of that!?"

We exchanged a look, now we knew that Lucille was lying. "You have been lying to us. Please leave if you do not agree with us." Pandy said, looking angry. I shook my head silently, "Wait, Lucille! Don't go----"

It was too late. Lucille glowered at us and stalked out of the room. Teddy and I froze in shock. Pandy scowled at the door and looked satisfied. "We have to go after Lucille! She might get hurt!" Teddy shouted.

Pandy glanced at Teddy, "I don't care if Lucille gets hurt!" I shook my head impatiently, "No, not Lucille. Ava might get hurt! If Lucille gets a stick, then----" Before I could finish the sentence, Pandy raced off after Lucille.

Teddy shrugged at me and followed Pandy. I followed too. We could still see Lucille running across the street toward Ava's house. Luckily, no one was outside at this time of the day.

Teddy, Pandy, and I hurried toward Lucille. She had already reached Ava's house. Ava must have heard the footsteps, she looked out her window and saw us running toward her house.

Ava stared at us, then looked around. She saw Lucille. Ava looked scared. She was quickly pulling the windows shut. But Lucille had already gotten to the window and was jumping in. I heard shouts in the room.

I quickly arrived at the front door with Pandy and Teddy, I pushed it open and saw Lucille picking up a small cup and throwing it at Ava. I quickly caught the cup and carried Lucille out.

Lucille was screaming at me, "Let go of me!!! How dare you!?!" I ignored her and carried her into a bag. I closed the bag but made sure to poke some holes in it to let Lucille breathe.

I put the bag away and turned back to Ava. Before I could speak, Ava spoke up, "Oh thank you so much!" I smiled slightly and said, "I am sorry that we let Lucille escape, but I am afraid I have to let Lucille go."

Ava looked desperate, "No, you must not! Lucille will come after me again!" I shook my head, "Lucille has learned her lesson, you can also be more prepared next time. We cannot keep her trapped in the bag."

Ava sighed but nodded in agreement. Teddy and Pandy jumped up and down. Teddy said to Ava, "You can start finding the stuffy now! Good luck, Ava!" Pandy also cut in, "Yeah, Ava! Good luck!"

Ava grinned at us and waved goodbye. We walked out of the house and let out a relieved sigh. "Wow." I managed to say, Before I could say anything else, Pandy let out a strangled sound.

"What's wrong, Pandy?" I asked, feeling concerned. Teddy also looked at Pandy, "Are you okay, Pandy? Are you sick? We can get you some medicine." Pandy shook his head and said, "W-we left Lucille at Ava's house!" 

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now