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I listened closely for any signs of movement as I crept toward the front door. I was sneaking outside to find Ava. I'm not sure what to make of her yet. I saw how betrayed Ava felt when Lulu accused her of attacking Lucille.

I don't blame Lulu though, if what Lucille said was true, then Ava doesn't deserve to have a chance. But I'm not sure yet. I'm going to get some answers for myself now. I ran outside and gathered my thoughts.

I brought a stick so I can defend myself in case Ava decides to attack me. I knew where Ava's home is about, so I could find her easily. I took a deep breath and walked towards my destination.

"Ava? Come out! I need to talk to you!" I called towards the house. There was silence at first, then Ava's voice sounded from a window, "What do you want?" She sounded afraid.

"Please come out! I want to talk to you!" I said, hoping Ava would open the door and come out, but nothing happened. "No," Ava said firmly. "Fine. How about this? I'll tell you a location and you can go there." I said, thinking quickly.

Then I told Ava the address of a place near Lulu's house. I left without waiting for Ava's response. I went to the location, hid behind a bush, and waited for Ava. Maybe she would come.......maybe she wouldn't.

Then Ava's footsteps echoed toward me. I sighed in relief. "Hello? Who's there?" Ava sounded alert, "I'm here now." I stepped out of the bush and looked at Ava. She jumped in surprise at the sight of me.

"Oh. You're Pandy?" Ava said. "Yes, I am. I just need to ask you a few questions." I said. "No. I know Lulu sent you to get me, but I won't! You guys already decided to not give any more chances." Ava said angrily.

"Lulu didn't send me. I'm not sure if I do believe you, but I just want to know the truth. Did you actually attack Lucille that day? I'm not sure who to believe." I said quickly. "Oh. Well, I didn't. But you probably don't believe me." Ava sighed.

"I do. Please continue. Then why did Lucille say that you attacked her?" I asked, feeling curious. "I said something that made her angry, then she lied to Lulu. I just want Lucille back, then maybe everything will be normal again." Ava said, sounding sad.

"Oh. I know how you feel, but Lucille probably won't forgive you until you prove yourself." I said, feeling sorry for Ava, "You can still find a stuffy and bring the stuffy to Lulu. Then maybe Lucille will forgive you."

Ava brightened a little, then frowned, "But it's hard to find a stuffy, I've tried. I just can't seem to find one." I nodded, "Yes, it is hard. But if you take a walk and look for stuffies, then it will be easy. A lot of people buy stuffies."

Ava nodded firmly, "I'll do that tomorrow, or maybe now. Yeah, I'll do that now. But I don't know where Lulu lives....." I hesitated before saying, "I want to tell you, but you might attack us. I'll tell Lulu to meet you in a place."

Ava sighed sadly, "You still don't trust me?" I shrugged, "I'm sorry, Ava. But I have no proof you didn't attack Lucille. I will help you, but I won't put my friends in danger." Ava nodded, looking depressed.

"Right, you can focus on finding stuffies, call Lulu's phone if you find the stuffy. You called her last time by accident. That was Teddy." I said. Ava looked confused for a moment, then realized something, "Oh! I remember! I'll do that."

I waved to Ava, then hurried to the house. Lulu was waiting for me at the door. "What were you doing, Pandy!? I told you not to go anywhere! It's not safe!" Lulu said, looking very annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I was just taking a walk. I thought maybe I could find Ava and get more information out of her." I said, deciding to lie. "Okay, fine. But you have to tell us next time." Lulu said, her face softening.

I nodded but also felt guilty. "Right, you should wash now. You look like you've fallen into a mud puddle." Lulu said, looking like she was holding back a laugh. I looked down at myself and realized I was indeed covered in mud.

I groaned, "Fine. Can you please wash me?" Lulu nodded, carrying me with a blanket to the washing area. "I will wash you with soap, but I might splash your eyes or nose or mouth. Please let me know." Lulu said, looking nervous.

"Okay, I'll do that," I said, trying to comfort her. Lulu made the blanket wet and splashed something on the blanket. I supposed that was the 'soap'. I held my body tight and shut my eyes.

I felt the water on my body, and also a weird feeling. "This is gr-----" I started to say, before swallowing some soap. I spat the soap out, "I swallowed soap!" I heard Lulu laugh, "Oh, don't worry. It won't hurt you." I scowled.

I closed my mouth and shut my eyes again. After a few minutes, I felt a blanket being pressed upon me. I opened my eyes and saw Lulu grinning at me. "That was great, don't you think?" Lulu said, smiling.

"Yes, it was great. Except for swallowing soap." I grumbled. Lulu laughed, "Yes. I already warned you before!" I laughed too, "Yeah, I guess so. It did taste very good!" I said, pretending to rub my tummy.

We all laughed louder. I smiled. Maybe it would all turn out to be better. I had Lulu and Teddy. Lucille, not so much. I pushed that thought away and dried myself off. I had Lulu, at least.

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now