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"We don't need her," Lucille said, looking angry. Ava didn't give Lucille a chance to argue, "Without me, you guys wouldn't have known where to find the stuffies." I nodded quickly and beckoned them to follow me.

I sighed quietly. Lucille and Ava are still angry at each other. If we don't stop this, they might end up attacking each other. I just wanted everyone to trust each other and be nice! This is harder than I thought.

I quickly got ready and headed outside with Pandy, Teddy, Lucille, and Ava. I carried Pandy and Teddy. Ava carried Lucille. To be precise, a very annoyed Lucille. "Why can't we just walk?" Lucille asked, looking irritated.

"Because everyone thinks you're just a toy, remember? You cannot move!" I said, getting seriously annoyed by Lucille's complaining. Lucille scowled but still jumped into Ava's arms.

We walked for a few minutes, getting a lot of strange stares from people. "Why are they staring at us?" Teddy asked, looking confused. I swallowed my laughter and answered, "Because usually, people don't carry stuffies."

Pandy nodded, looking interested. We kept walking, and a few minutes later, we got to the Toy Shop. Many people were walking around with stuffies in their arms. Pandy and Teddy looked very excited.

"Let's go inside and......" I trailed off, realizing I didn't know what to do after we got inside. "Pandy and I can talk to the stuffies and help them escape." Teddy cut in, looking happy at the prospect of meeting the stuffies.

Pandy and I nodded. I quickly went to a corner, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. Teddy and Pandy jumped down to the ground and went to a large group of stuffies.

"Hey there. We're here to help you escape." Teddy said soothingly to the stuffies. They didn't move. Pandy tried next, "This human is called Lulu. She is helping you guys escape. Lulu is nice."

A stuffy spoke, "Okay. But how do we get out?" Another stuffy nudged the stuffy that spoke, "Shhhh. We don't know if we can trust them yet." I spoke up, "You can trust us. I am here to help the stuffies."

The stuffies all looked at me suspiciously. After a moment, they decided they could trust us. The stuffies jumped down from their boxes and ran towards the door. Fortunately, the workers were still busy, not noticing them.

I ran out too and followed the stuffies. They stopped at a small area full of grass. Pandy, Teddy, Lucille, and Ava came shortly after. The stuffies looked alarmed when they saw Ava.

Pandy quickly explained, "Ava is helping us too." The stuffies relaxed. "Let's go to my house. It's safer there." I said, leading the way to my house. The stuffies and Ava followed.

Once we were safely in my bedroom, I shut the door and took a deep breath, "Hello, my name is Lulu. This is Pandy, Teddy, Ava, and Lucille. We all want to help the stuffies. So we made a team called the Phoenix."

The stuffies all looked at each other for a moment, probably deciding whether to trust us. Fortunately, they seemed to decide they did. One of the stuffies, probably the leader, said, "I am Pink, nice to meet you."

I waved at Pink and smiled, "Hi, Pink. Let me tell you about the Phoenix." Then I told the stuffies all about our adventures. They looked very excited to be hearing them. The only bad thing was they looked at Lucille with mistrust now.

Lucille scowled at me for telling them about the moments when Lucille attacked Ava. I shrugged and turned back to the stuffies. Pink said happily, "Wow, that's amazing. We're not exactly a team, but we help each other survive."

Pink paused, looking a little sad, "When we lost our world, we escaped to the Human World. We went to the store in hopes of finding people that can help us. But as days went by, people started to take away some of us."

The other stuffies nodded their heads. Pink continued, "We would be honoured if we could work together and save the stuffies." I smiled warmly at Pink and said, "Yes, of course. You are all accepted to be members of the Phoenix."

Pink nodded briskly, "Good. Let me introduce the stuffies. This is Swan, Purpe, Elephant, Dream, Sky, Heart, Purple 1, Purple 2, Foxy, Lana, Harry, Bunny, Brown, Lion, and Kitty." Pink pointed to each of the stuffies when she said their names.

I waved and nodded at each of them. I was so happy to be gaining so many members in one day. Pandy and Teddy also looked delighted. But Ava and Lucille both looked upset. I made a mental note to talk to them later.

"Right, we have a hole. You guys can eat and sleep there." Pandy said. I quickly said, "Wouldn't it be too small?" Pandy thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Let's just try it out." Teddy cut in, looking impatient.

We all nodded and followed Teddy to the hole. The stuffies went in for a few minutes. Teddy came back out, looking satisfied. Before I could ask, Teddy answered my question, "It worked. Everyone has settled down."

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. A grin slowly grew on my face, this was amazing news. With all the stuffies, nothing was going to go wrong. I hummed to myself as I went down the hall, feeling very excited for the next adventure.

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now