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All the stuffies were quiet as they stared at the stuffy. Lulu picked the stuffy up gently and walked out of Ava's house. I followed Lulu. After a few minutes, we arrived at Lulu's house.

Lulu walked upstairs and put the stuffy in a clean blanket. She inspected the stuffy carefully. Pink walked in and ran to the stuffy, "Is Dream going to be okay?" Lulu hesitated before speaking.

"I am not sure, Pink. I am so sorry, but I don't know how to heal someone. But I will try." Lulu said sadly. I patted Lulu's arm, "Lulu, it's alright. Just try your best." Lulu nodded and adjusted the blanket.

Pink suddenly looked angry, "This is all Lucille's fault. I will find Lucille and capture her!" Lulu shook her head and said, "No. Pink, please take care of Dream. She needs you."

Pink thought for a moment then nodded. Lulu sighed in relief and left the room. I followed Lulu. She sat down in the hallway. I walked over to her and said, "Are you okay, Lulu?"

"I never thought Lucille would do this. I just thought she didn't like Ava." Lulu said, looking at the ceiling. I smiled sadly, "I thought so too, Lulu. But we were wrong. We should always do the right thing."

"But I don't know if it's right or wrong," Lulu said. "Just trust what you think," I said, trying to comfort Lulu. She suddenly stood up and ran downstairs. I smiled. I knew Lulu just had an idea.

I followed Lulu downstairs. Lulu was talking to the stuffies, "I think I have an idea. Lucille might have gone to the grass area. I am not sure, but we still have to try." The stuffies all nodded.

Lulu began giving out orders. The stuffies split up and set out for the grass area Lulu was talking about. I hurried over to Lulu, "What is my job?" Lulu smiled at me, "You can go with Pink's group."

I nodded and followed Pink outside. We crept behind bushes and houses. After a few minutes, we arrived at the grass area. We hid behind the bushes and waited for Lucille to show up.

After a few moments, when we began to give up hope, a sound caught our attention. "That might be Lucille. Get ready." Pink whispered to all of us. We all nodded. I held my breath as I waited for Lucille to appear.

Lucille slowly walked through the grass area, her eyes darting around us. Pink made a gesture for us to attack. We leapt out of the bushes. Lucille froze for a moment, looking shocked.

The other groups began coming towards Lucille too. They formed a circle around Lucille. She tried to escape, running around. We formed a tight circle around Lucille.

Before Lucille could do anything, Ava stepped out behind a big tree and put Lucille in a bag. I was so glad Ava was here, there was an advantage to being big. Ava picked the bag up and walked towards Lulu's house.

The stuffies and I followed Ava. We stepped into the house. I saw Lulu pacing upstairs, looking anxious. When she saw us, she ran over. "Come to my room," Lulu said. We all followed Lulu to her room.

Ava put the bag down and waited expectantly for Lulu to say something. Lulu beamed at us and said, "Thank you, everyone. We will decide what to do with Lucille now." The stuffies started throwing suggestions at Lulu.

"Please quiet down, everyone!" Ava shouted over the voices. There was silence. I spoke up, "I think we should lock Lucille for now. She has attacked a stuffy!" Everyone made noises of agreement.

Lulu nodded and carried the bag out of her room. Everyone followed. Lulu put the bag inside the hole and locked the door. Then, Lulu used some type of sticky thing to make the door secure.

Everyone sighed in relief. Now we would be safe. Even if it's just for now, we could have a moment to rest. Lulu turned back to us, "Good. Now, I would suggest we rest for a day. I will call a meeting tomorrow."

The stuffies all nodded and left the room, probably to their new home. Ava stayed behind, looking hesitant. "What is wrong, Ava?" I asked. Lulu looked at Ava too, "Are you alright, Ava?"

Ava fidgeted, then said, "I don't think we should lock Lucille up." Lulu looked as shocked as I felt. I spoke up first, "But....why, Ava?" Lulu turned her curious gaze at Ava. She straightened.

"We should give Lucille a chance," Ava said. Lulu shook her head firmly, "Lucille had enough chances. She has tried to attack us, and even you!" Ava nodded, "But she did it because she wanted revenge. Anyone would do it."

Lulu shook her head again, less firmly this time, "Lucille has attacked us. I did give her many chances, but she lost them all." I decided to intervene, "Lulu, I think Ava is right. We should give Lucille a chance."

I waited for Lulu's response. Lulu sighed and nodded. She opened the door of the hole and let Lucille out. Lucille looked confused for a moment, then noticed Lulu. I braced myself for an attack.

But it never happened. Lucille walked over to Lulu and said, "I am sorry, Lulu. I didn't realize. I was very angry at you guys for trying to lock me up. I wasn't thinking." Lulu looked shocked.

Lulu took a moment to form a sentence, "Ahem. It's alright, Lucille. Please do not let your anger cloud your judgement next time." Lucille nodded, then spotted the rest of us standing there.

"Hi, Lucille," Ava said nervously. I held my breath, waiting for Lucille's response. Lucille looked surprised for a moment, then said, "Hi, Ava." Lucille decided to ignore Ava and me after that.

Lucille waved happily at Lulu and walked off. Lulu turned to us, "Sorry about that. Please ignore Lucille for now. She's still angry at you guys." Ava and I shrugged, trying not to look too upset.

But Lulu knew, as always. "Guys, cheer up. Let's go visit the stuffies." Lulu picked me up and headed off with Ava. We walked for a while, enjoying the view. It's been a long time since we had time to just walk.

Pink was waving at us when we arrived at the new and old secret headquarters of the Phoenix. "Hi, Pink. We're just visiting." Lulu said, smiling. Pink waved at us more urgently.

Lulu hurried over, "What's wrong, Pink?" Pink looked terrified, "It....It was terrible! A s-stuffy is missing! S-someone took the stuffy while we were not looking. I-it's Heart! She's gone!"

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now