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Things are settling down now that no stuffy is being captured. The stuffies usually glare at me. They still haven't forgotten my betrayal. I do regret it, but they didn't trust me anymore.

As I walked around the stuffies' home, I said hello to everyone. I found Lulu sitting on a bench, deep in thought. I walked over to Lulu, "Hi. What are you thinking about?" Lulu looked at me and sighed.

"I just don't know what to do," Lulu said. She suddenly realized who she was talking to and jumped up, "Lucille! You're here. Sorry, I was thinking about something else. How are you doing?"

I shrugged, "I'm doing okay. The stuffies still don't trust me." Lulu nodded thoughtfully, "I cannot convince the stuffies you are on our side, but you can do it. Earn their trust, Lucille."

An idea struck me, "Lulu, can you call a meeting?" Lulu looked surprised but didn't question me. She nodded and called out to the stuffies, "Meeting! At the meeting room. Meet us there in a few minutes!"

I hurried back to Lulu's house and into the meeting room. The stuffies all walked in a few minutes later. Lulu sat down on the chair and said, "Hello. Lucille wants to talk about something."

I took a deep breath and said, "Hi everyone. I had an idea. I think we should listen to the Stuffy Show right now." Lulu nodded and pulled out her phone. She clicked on a few things, then a voice rang out.

"Welcome to the Stuffy Show. Today is a special day! We are holding a party at our place. Please meet us at the 1380 Hotel! Don't miss out on the fun, even the stuffies will be there!" The voice stopped at the end.

Lulu looked excited, "This is great, Lucille! I know where the 1380 Hotel is! Let's go now. Stuffies, get ready in a few minutes." The stuffies all ran out of the room, talking to each other.

After a few minutes, Lulu led us out of the house. We walked for a while, then Lulu stopped in front of a house. It looked big and had a lot of decorations on it. We walked inside and looked around.

"Hello, welcome to the Stuffy Party. How may I help----" A voice said behind us. I spun around. To my surprise, it was a stuffy. The stuffy gasped, "You're a stuffy too! I-I don't understand."

Lulu turned around too and spotted the stuffy too, "Oh, hello. My name is Lulu, what about you?" The stuffy looked calmer when Lulu spoke, "I don't have a name. Master calls me Five, though."

"Yes, indeed." A deep voice said behind us. Lulu turned around, "Hello! My name is Lulu. These are my friends. We were hoping to visit the party of the Stuffy Show." The person smiled.

"Ah yes. How rude of me.....My name is Levi. Good to see you. Come with me." Levi said, leading us through a door. After a while, Lulu frowned. "You are not leading us to the party."

I listened for the sounds of music and laughter, but none came. Levi nodded, "You are right, of course. We are going to go this way." Lulu stopped, "Where are you taking us?" Levi didn't answer.

Levi looked at Lulu and said, "You do not need to worry about that. Follow me." Without waiting for Lulu's answer, he dragged Lulu through a door. I was instantly on alert. The other stuffies gasped.

"Guys, we must get back Lulu. Split into groups!" I said, taking charge. To my surprise, the stuffies did what I said. They split into groups. I gave orders, and we set off. We crept towards the door.

Levi's voice drifted towards us, "Lulu, we do not mean any harm." I motioned for the stuffies to stop and listen. "Oh, yes? Then why would you do it?" Lulu said angrily. Levi sighed.

"You won't understand. Please, this is important. Just let us try, the stuffies will not be harmed after it." Levi said. I narrowed my eyes, I did not like the sound of that. "I already answered. No!" Lulu said.

"Then I will have to force them. Make a choice, Lulu. The stuffies will be forced to do it, or they do it." Levi said smugly. I crept closer to the door, I could see Lulu and Levi talking.

"I will make a choice, Levi, after you let me go," Lulu said. Levi shook his head, "No, Lulu. I will not have you ruin my plans." Lulu smiled, "I'm afraid it's too late." Then she slipped through another door and ran.

The stuffies and I quickly followed Lulu. After a while, we found Lulu running towards the door. When she spotted us, she shouted, "Run! Do not come back!" We ran until we reached Lulu's house.

Pink gasped, "Oh no! Lulu is not here with us!" I looked around but didn't see Lulu. "Lulu said we shouldn't go back...but I don't want to leave her there," I said, hesitating. Before I could do anything else, the stuffies ran out again.

I sighed, I guess I'm going to be rescuing Lulu again. I ran after the stuffies. After a few minutes, we arrived at the Stuffy Show's house. We looked around for a while, always careful to not let anyone see us.

We found a huge room, but the door was locked. "I think this is where Lulu is locked in. It's the only door that is locked." I whispered to the stuffies. They all nodded in agreement. But the problem was we couldn't unlock the door.

Luckily, at that very moment, Levi walked out of the room, looking angry. The stuffies and I quickly hid. A staff member hurried over to Levi, "How did it go?" Levi shook his head.

"Nah, it didn't go well. Lulu didn't tell me anything about the stuffies. Just sat there and stared at the walls." Levi said. The staff member nodded, "Better luck next time." Levi smiled, "I will have better luck next time."

The staff member and Levi walked away, chatting. The stuffies and I walked into the unlocked door. Lulu was nowhere to be seen. "Lulu?" I whispered, scanning the room. No answer came.

"Lulu!" I called out, slightly louder this time. Movement caught my eye. But before I could spot who was there, it disappeared. I glanced at a corner, a shadow was walking towards us.

The stuffies all tensed and looked at the shadow. To my surprise, Lulu walked out. When she saw us, she hurried over, "Lucille! Teddy! Pandy! I've just found an escape route. Come on!"

"What happened, Lulu? What did they want?" I asked, feeling worried. Lulu shook her head, "I'll tell you later. We haven't got much time. Levi will come back in a few minutes!"

The stuffies and I followed Lulu through a huge tunnel. "Do you know where this leads to?" I asked. Lulu shrugged, "No, I don't. But it's probably leading outside. Keep your voice down."

After a while, we reached the end of the huge tunnel. Lulu was right, it led outside. Lulu ran away from the Stuffy Show's house. We followed until we reached Lulu's house.

Lulu's mom walked out of the house and spotted us, "Lulu! I've been so worried! What happened? Come in and have a seat." We walked into the house and made ourselves comfortable.

"I got caught when I was trying to run," Lulu said, "Then they put me into a room and asked me some questions about you guys. I didn't answer Levi. Then he left the room. I found the huge tunnel and planned to escape."

Before any of us could speak, Lulu's phone rang. Lulu accepted the call and listened carefully. She looked horrified by the end of the call, "Levi just called, he says to meet him at the house now."

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora