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As I looked at Lucille beside me, I had complicated feelings. I was happy Lucille forgave me for how I treated her. But I was also sad Lucille attacked me, I didn't mean to make her angry or anything.

I was also scared Lucille might betray us and attack me again. I wish I could just feel happy that Lucille forgave me. "Ava, are you alright?" Lulu said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What? Oh, yes. I'm fine. Just thinking...." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. Lulu nodded and smiled at me warmly. I smiled back, thinking of how lucky I was to have Lulu here.

I liked Teddy and Pandy, they both supported me. I didn't like Lucille that much, of course. I liked Lulu the best of them all because she is human. Not only that, but Lulu also knew how I was feeling and comforted me.

I shook my head and tried to clear away my thoughts. "Right. What are we going to focus on right now?" I asked Lulu. Lulu thought for a moment and said, "We are going to try to gather members for the Phoenix now."

I tried to hide my confusion because I didn't want to be a burden. But it must have shown on my face because Lulu patted me on the shoulder and explained, "The Phoenix is the name of our.....Team, you could say."

I let out a silent sigh of relief, "Oh, cool. Well, I would suggest looking in the Toy Shop. It's a shop that sells stuffies. It's super famous." Lulu grinned at Teddy and Pandy, "That is great news! Thank you, Ava. We will visit it to find more stuffies."

Lucille stood and huffed, "Well, I don't. I think the first thing we should do is make ourselves comfortable. Let's worry about the other stuffies later." I glared at Lucille for not caring about the other stuffies.

"Lucille, it's important to get other stuffies. They need our help, please understand that." Lulu said, trying to keep her voice calm. But I knew she was controlling her anger and restraining herself from snapping back at Lucille.

Lucille glanced at me and saw my face. She kept her face neutral, "Of course, Lulu. Why didn't I notice that? Well, I would like a word with Ava, please." I stared at Lucille. I hoped Lulu wouldn't say "yes".

Lulu looked suspiciously at Lucille, but I knew she would give her a chance. "Alright, then. Please be quick, we have quite a few things to do." Lulu said, still looking suspicious, "And we will hear if you attack Ava."

Lucille nodded stiffly. She led me to a corner and stopped. "What do you want, Lucille?" I asked, feeling irritated. "Lulu gave me a chance, didn't she?" Lucille said smugly, ignoring my question.

"So you tricked Lulu?" I asked, anger bubbling inside me. "Of course not. Why would I do that? Well, maybe I did, maybe not." Lucille said, a satisfied look on her face. I felt my body tense. What if Lucille had tricked Lulu?

"What are you planning to do, Lucille? Lulu is going to stop you no matter what." I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. Lucille smirked at me, "Ah, yes. I am indeed planning something. But why would I tell you?"

I glowered at her, feeling more irritated, "Why did you ask for a word with me? If there's nothing else, then I'll just go." Lucille looked annoyed when I asked the question, "Ah, yes. I just have a message for you, Ava."

Lucille paused for a moment, "You will be left alone when they have no use for you anymore. They will be on the opposite side of you. You're just a selfish person who wants help."

I gasped, "That's not true. T-they w-will never fight me!" I tried to hide the truth from Lucille and even myself. This was exactly what I feared. I wanted Lulu to help me and support me.

Lucille ignored me, "Even you know it's the truth. Well, I shall go now. Lulu will be worried about me. Don't repeat this to anyone or it will come true. Now, good day to you." She walked away.

I tried to ignore Lucille's warning but her voice rang out in my head, making me wince. It couldn't come true, it just couldn't. But how could I know? A little voice in my head said.

I shook my head and tried to push the thought away. I walked back to Teddy, Pandy, Lulu, and Lucille. They were chatting happily about their plans to get back some stuffies.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked, trying to distract myself. Lulu looked over at me and seemed to realize I was there, "Oh, hello Ava! Lucille just had a wonderful idea! We're going to pretend we are shopping at the Toy Shop."

Lucille smiled at Lulu sweetly and added, "Yes, the stuffies are also going there! It's going to be so much fun. Lulu and the stuffies can get the other stuffies back in no time!" Lulu nodded.

I realized I wasn't included, "What about me? You said 'Lulu and the stuffies'. Am I coming?" Lulu stopped smiling and hesitated, "Ah, yes. About that. Ava, Lucille asked me specifically to let you stay here."

Lulu paused there, then spoke again, "Lucille also voted for you to stay here and not participate in all the missions we're going to be doing. You don't have to be involved in everything." I stared at her in horror.

"B-but I want to come too. I want to help you guys." I said, feeling horrified. Lucille stared at me in satisfaction, "Ava, you don't have to worry about that. That is very sweet, but we don't need you."

Lulu narrowed her eyes at Lucille but said, "Yes, we are going to go now. Let's go, guys. Ava, good day to you." Pandy and Teddy all waved. They didn't even try to protest. I hurried towards Lulu, "Can I have a private word?"

Lulu nodded politely and followed me. "Lulu, what's going on? You can't agree with Lucille!" I said desperately. Lulu smiled sadly, "Ava, Lucille is right. She said this is for your good, you can enjoy a normal life here!"

"But I do want to help the stuffies! I don't want to be left alone!" I said, trying not to think of what Lucille said. Lulu studied my expression and frowned, "Is there anything wrong, Ava?"

I couldn't tell Lulu about what Lucille said, I just couldn't. "Ava, is this about Lucille? Did she say something to upset you? Please tell me, I need to deal with Lucille." Lulu said, looking concerned.

I sighed and told her about what Lucille said. Lulu stared at me for a moment, then spoke, "Ava, there is nothing you need to worry about. We will always be on your side, no matter what. Lucille is wrong."

"But we don't know that. And you trust Lucille. She might trick you guys into fighting me." I retorted, feeling a little uncomfortable. Lulu gave me a reassuring smile, "I will deal with Lucille now."

I followed her to talk to Lucille. Lulu stood in front of Lucille, "Hi, Lucille. Please, let us have a chat with Ava." Lucille huffed but followed Lulu. I glared at Lucille, hating that she had gained Lulu's trust.

"Hi, Lulu. What's wrong?" Lucille asked, looking concerned. Which, I don't need to point out, is pretending. "Yes, hello. Ava has told me you said some things in your chat with Ava. This is very unacceptable." Lulu said.

Lucille stared at me, apparently shocked I would tell her. Then she turned to Lulu, "I am not sure what you're talking about. I said to Ava that I forgive her. I also said I wanted her to have a normal life."

Lulu looked at Lucille suspiciously, but said, "Oh, okay. Maybe Ava was angry over that. It's alright, Ava. We just want you to have a normal life and be a normal person. We don't want to ruin your life."

Lucille grinned smugly, but it didn't last long. Lulu continued to talk, "I allow Ava to come, though. She deserves to have a choice of her own." Lucille's grin vanished, replaced by a scowl.

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon