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As I got out of the hole, I felt both happy and nervous. I was so happy we had found more stuffies. Maybe we could save the Stuffy World after all. I didn't believe it in the beginning, but I believe it now.

I was also nervous because I wasn't sure how Lucille would react to this. I saw the look on her face when she took in the stuffies. Lucille did truly look happy at being there with all the other stuffies.

But she also still felt angry at Ava for treating her unfairly. I had a growing suspicion that Lucille would attack when we weren't ready. I had to talk to Lulu and Teddy about this, we have to be on our guard.

I got so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice Lucille walking swiftly past me. "Hey, carrot. Got lost in your thoughts?" Lucille said, smirking at me. I was pulled out of my thoughts, I blinked at her, before realizing what had happened.

"Ah, yes. Hello, Lucille. How may I help you? You see....I'm a little busy at the moment, unlike you." I said coolly. Lucille smiled sweetly, "So sorry to be taking up your time, carrot. But I need to talk to Lulu."

That got my attention, I tried my best to keep a calm voice, "Y-yes? Ahem. Why don't you find Lulu herself? As I said, I'm a little busy right now." Lucille sighed dramatically, "I would, but I just can't seem to find her."

I groaned inwardly, "Fine. I will take you there. No funny businesses along the way, I will notice." Lucille smiled at me. I walked toward Lulu's bedroom and called out to her, "Lulu! Someone wants to talk to you!"

Lulu opened the door, looking annoyed. When she saw me, she looked concerned, "What's wrong, Pandy?" I glanced at Lucille. Lulu turned and saw Lucille, her face fell, "Oh, yes. Lucille. Come in, come in." Lulu didn't sound happy.

Lucille followed Lulu inside and sat down on the bed. "How can I help you? As you can see, I am a little busy right now. Please be quick." Lulu said, looking as if she swallowed her laughter as she looked at me.

"Ahem. Yes, Lucille. As you can see, we are both very busy. Please hurry up on whatever you want to say." I said, then both Lulu and I laughed. Lucille huffed angrily and said, "Yes, I know that. I just want to talk about the stuffies."

Lulu and I stopped laughing when Lucille said that. Lulu quickly turned back to Lucille, "What about them?" I could tell Lulu was trying to keep her voice calm. "We should send them back and keep them there," Lucille said.

There was silence. Lulu shook her head and said firmly, "Lucille, we need to keep them safe. The stuffies are already members of the Phoenix." Lucille opened her mouth to protest, but Lulu cut her off.

"If you do not agree with this, please leave," Lulu said firmly. I gaped at her, I thought Lulu was giving Lucille a chance. It's not like I wasn't unhappy about it, though. I quickly hid my smile.

"What!?" Lucille gasped, sounding very surprised. I guess she didn't anticipate that either. She calmed down after a few moments, "Fine. I agree. I have things to do now." Lucille glared at us and walked away.

Lulu heaved a sigh of relief and turned to me, "We need to be on guard around Lucille. I am not sure what she is planning, but probably nothing good." I nodded, "Yeah, I agree."

I hesitated before speaking, "Lulu, do you trust Lucille?" Lulu looked angry for a moment. I quickly added, "S-sorry. You don't have to answer..." I trailed off. Lulu smiled at me, "It's alright, Pandy."

"I was just angry Lucille didn't care about the stuffies. That wasn't at you, Pandy." Lulu said, before continuing, "I don't trust Lucille. But I'm giving her a chance, like with Ava."

I nodded and walked out of the room. I went into the hole to chat with the stuffies and have fun. I needed a break. I noticed Teddy wasn't with them. "Hey, Pan. Come join us!" Pink said, winking at me. I pretended to gasp, "I am not a pan! I do not help with the cooking!"

We all cracked up, it felt good after a long day. "Do you wanna play a game? It was invented by myself!" Pink said. "Fine," I said, feeling happy. I walked over to them and sat down on the ground.

"So, this is called the Food game. Perfect for you, Pan!" Pink grinned at me, before continuing, "We are going to pretend to be a type of food. Some people...sorry, stuffies, I meant. Some stuffies will be food and some stuffies will be trying to eat them!"

Everyone nodded. "Right, let's start," Pink said, assigning the stuffies to be food or eating them. When everyone was ready, we all ran in different directions. The outcome was we all crashed into each other.

Some stuffies got tangled up, some were lying on the ground, and some were even pushing each other lightly to get them out of the way. It didn't work out, but it was still fun! "This shouldn't be called the Food game, it should be called the Crash game!" I joked.

Pink grinned at me and was about to say something when Teddy came hurrying into the hole. "Guys! This is an emergency! Come out of the hole!" Teddy called out to us, walking out of the hole.

I quickly followed all the other stuffies out of the hole. Lulu was there, looking very worried. I was very concerned for Lulu, a hundred possibilities were racing through my head. Before I could say anything, Lulu announced, "Lucille is gone." 

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now