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I screamed and scratched at the bag, but no one came. I growled in frustration. Those people!!! I will hunt them down and make them regret what they've done. That is if I get out of this bag.

After a while, I heard someone walking toward the bag. I stopped screaming immediately. Ava's voice sounded out, "Hmm...Maybe Lulu left the bag here. I wonder what's inside?"

Ava opened the bag and looked inside. I quickly jumped out of the bag and escaped. I heard Ava's gasp behind me, but I ignored her and ran outside. I quickly ran inside Lulu's house and waited.

Ava went inside the house a few minutes later, looking worried. She went upstairs and I followed her. Lulu was there, talking to the stuffies. She stopped when she saw Ava coming inside her bedroom.

"I am so so sorry, I let out Lucille! I was opening the bag, then Lucille jumped out! I don't know where she went!" Ava said, sounding upset. "I know, I was there. I checked the bag but didn't see Lucille." Lulu answered.

Pandy looked determined, "We must find Lucille and lock her up!" I gritted my teeth, feeling angry. Teddy shook his head, "No, that isn't fair." Pandy shrugged, "Then what else should we do? Just let her run around and hurt Ava?"

"No, of course not! We can find Lucille, but we can't lock her up. Let's just decide what to do with her after we find Lucille." Teddy said. Lulu nodded. Pandy sighed but didn't say anything else.

"Right, our first destination is Ava's house. Lucille might still be there!" Lulu said, looking thoughtful. Everyone nodded, except me, of course. I was so angry I punched the wall, forgetting them.

There were footsteps behind me. I tried to hide, but it was too late. Pandy looked confused for a moment, then looked angry. "Lucille is here! Catch her!" Pandy yelled. Lulu, Teddy, and Ava came rushing out.

Pandy lept towards me, but I ducked and ran towards the door. "What is all this noise, Lulu? Please be quiet, I am working!" A voice sounded behind me. The stuffies all froze. I took this distraction and ran towards the door.

I ran downstairs and hid behind the table. Lulu and the woman came out. "P-please explain, Lulu." The woman said, looking shaken. Lulu looked exasperated, "Mom, stuffies are real. They can move and talk."

The woman Lulu called 'Mom' slowly nodded. "They had a planet of their own, but they were attacked. So they escaped to the Human World. And now they need help. So I am helping them." Lulu explained.

The woman shook her head, as if to clear her head, "I-I believe you. I already had a suspicion stuffies were real. I spotted one moving the day we listened to that show. I want to help too."

Lulu glanced at her mom, looking surprised, "Sure, of course! My friend Ava had a stuffy called Lucille. Lucille thought Ava treated her badly, so she was angry at Ava. We had an argument and Lucille attacked Ava. I put her in a bag, but she escaped."

Lulu's mom nodded, "Okay. I'll help you find Lucille. I will search for Lucille in the house." Lulu looked relieved, "Thank you, Mom!" Then she ran upstairs. I followed Lulu upstairs.

"My mom believed me, she wanted to help us. She will look for Lucille in the house." Lulu's voice rang out. I heard Teddy and Pandy sigh in relief. "That's great news, Lulu!" Teddy said, sounding happy.

"Yeah! Let's go search for Lucille in Ava's house." Pandy said, sounding delighted. Lulu walked downstairs again with Pandy and Teddy. Ava was behind her. Lulu's mom waved at them.

I quickly tried to find a hiding place, but I couldn't. I was desperate by now, Lulu's mom was coming closer and closer to me. I shut my eyes and hoped for luck. Unfortunately, my luck seemed to have run out.

Lulu's mom picked me up and put me in a bag. Then I saw her writing something on a piece of paper and then taping it into the bag. I supposed she was warning whoever saw the bag not to open it.

Then she picked up her phone and called Lulu. "Come back home, Lulu! I found Lucille, I think." Lulu's mom said to the phone. I couldn't hear what Lulu said, but she came running into the house a few minutes later.

Lulu looked at the bag and grinned at her mom. "Thanks, Mom! I'll deal with Lucille now!" Her mom smiled at Lulu and went back to her work. Lulu picked the bag up carefully and went upstairs.

Teddy and Pandy were with her too. Lulu opened the bag and quickly picked me up. She smiled at me, "Hi, Lucille! Welcome!" Pandy smirked at me, looking satisfied. Teddy also grinned happily at me.

I glared at them, feeling angry and annoyed. They had caught me again! "Let's lock her somewhere and never let her out again," Pandy said. Lulu shook her head, "No, Lucille doesn't deserve that."

I thought Lulu would hate me after what I'd done, but she said that I didn't deserve that. I hope she meant it. I really hoped that Lulu could convince Teddy and Pandy not to lock me in.

"I agree with that. Even if Lucille has made some bad choices in the past, we shouldn't judge her by that. Let's give Lucille a chance." Teddy said. Pandy scowled at Teddy and Lulu.

"Lucille doesn't deserve that! She is not on our side---" Pandy started to say before Lulu cut in. "Now you sound like Lucille. You gave Ava a chance, didn't you? Lucille deserves the same!"

I felt guilty, so I said, "I am really sorry. I will do whatever you want." I looked down. "Fine." Pandy said, sounding a little sorry for me, "You get another chance. We won't lock you in."

Lulu and Teddy smiled at me. Lulu put me down and ignored Pandy's protests. "Lucille might attack us!" Pandy said, looking annoyed. "No, she won't. Give her a chance, will you?" Lulu said.

Pandy scowled but didn't say anything else. I jumped around, feeling happy. Now it was alright again! I had Lulu, Teddy, and maybe Pandy and Ava. At least Lulu and Teddy trusted me! I'll just have to see what adventure I'll have next!

A World of Stuffies - Book 1 of Stuffy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now