30. Déjà vu

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Jeremy Hayes walked down the corridor and answered the call from his father, "Jem, we're holding a gathering at the lakehouse again. Will you be here this year?"

"I don't think so" Hayes replied.

"Mm... I understand... How are you doing, son?"

"I'm good. Ever since Shelly and Sheldon started middle school here, it's nice to have their company" He smiled.

"Ah, it was a good choice for Jacob to let them stay while things are rough here"


A deep silence lingered between them.

"Hey, you're still not seeing someone, are you?"

"Nah... It's too much work"

"I see... Then, uh... Are you sure you're fine?"

"I am, don't make Mom worry" He chuckled.

His father paused again to take a deep breath.

"You never heard from Ruby again, huh?"

"No... She's probably occupied with her family. I don't blame her"

"But... It's been five years now"

"I know... Now when I think about it, I feel stupid for introducing her as my girlfriend" He lightly chuckled, but his heart was burning with pain.

"You have to move on"

"We never even dated for you to say that Dad" He sighed, "I have to hang up now. The principal wants to meet me"

"Okay bye. I love you, Jem" His dad hung up.

After Jonas got arrested, his father finally realized that he had never been kind to his boys. The very thought of losing even Jem or Jacob destroyed him beyond words, and he has been trying hard to make up to them.

Hayes wasn't very fond of him yet, but he was glad that his dad was making an effort.


"Mrs.Ceira is on maternity leave. You'll have to be the homeroom teacher of class 1-A for the remaining three months" The principal told Mr.Hayes.

"Alright, who will be the sub though?"

The principal leaned over his desk, "That's the interesting part. We hired someone new"

"Hmm... But wouldn't it be hard for the kids if you pick someone new?"

"Yes, I thought of that" He adjusted his glasses, "But I'm not too concerned with this batch. The children there are quite brilliant. Moreover, I do think that she is familiar with the ways of the school"

"She is?" Hayes stared at him puzzled.

"She was a student here, Mr.Hayes" The man eyed him through his graying beard.


"Yes. She was your own student once, but it's hard for me to believe that she insisted during the interview to be placed in the high school division. She's brilliant in her subject though, mathematics"

Hayes knew that this replacement was done considering Mr.Fargo's retirement. But he had a general dislike for the subject and the people who adored it.

"A physics professor from 10th grade will take Mrs.Ceira's place while the new recruit takes Mr.Fargo's"

"Okay, sir. When will she be joining?"

"Tomorrow. I'd like you to help her with things, Hayes"

"You can count on me," He smiled, "By the way, what's her name? I might remember her from my old classes"

Not The Teacher's PetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora