15. A Different Persona

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When Ruby returned for practice  Gladys made a huge fuss about it and she knew why. Henry had told her that Gladys had attempted to get her position while she was away.

As Hayes was shuffling through his briefcase for the script, Ruby tried talking to him.

"I think it would be better if you let Gladys do my part"

"No. Did you see a file lying around the table? I'm sure I put it in here" He muttered to himself.

"I can't act, Mr.Hayes... I don't know how"

"I'll be the judge of that" He replied.

Ruby knew that her effort was in vain and she walked towards the rest of the crew, sighing.

"Ruby, a moment please" He called to her, and her heart skipped a beat. She rushed over before anyone could notice.

"Don't call me Ruby in school!" She glared at him in whispers.

"Oh, you didn't hear, did you? We'll be referring to the crew mates by their script names till the day of the play" He grinned, "Now, I have an excuse to call you Ruby everywhere"

She stared at him wide-eyed, "Sometimes I'm terrified by that head of yours"

Mr.Hayes had a smug grin, "Ah I called you to ask if you saw the script lying in the kitchen?"

"Just use mine" She sighed and handed it to him, "I learned the lines yesterday"

"Good" Hayes grinned, "Alright everybody! Positions, just like we practiced yesterday!" He clapped his hands cheerfully.

They practiced the first few scenes but Hayes wasn't satisfied, "I need to see more emotion in you, Ruby!" He yelled from below the stage.

Henry was perfect as the anonymous lover because he didn't have to appear on the stage at all. He had to read his lines which overflowed with love and intimacy from behind the stage so that it would seem as though Ruby was reading his letters.

Hayes didn't think that Ruby was too bad of an actor. Even though it was her first try, she was doing pretty well. But that wasn't enough for him.

There were scenes where Ruby would secretly go to parties with her best friend without the knowledge of their parents, but the Ruby in the book was an excellent dancer, unlike the Ruby in front of him.

Julius, one of the boys who played the role of a wealthy landlord who attempts to court Ruby, had to ask her to dance first. She ended up fumbling and tripped over him.

Hayes sighed at this, "You need dancing lessons, Ruby" He told her when practice finally ended. "Is it even necessary?" She groaned, collapsing in the chair exhausted after yelling and screaming her lines.

"This play is a musical, dancing is primary. But it has to be decent enough for a school play"

"Yeah okay"

She returned home sighing.


Ruby was busy solving her Maths homework when Hayes played weird music on his phone.

"Can you turn that down?"

"The school band composed this for the ballroom scenes. It's pretty good, come on" He clapped.


"Off your chair, let's practice"

"I'm not dancing with you" She deadpanned.

"Imagine that it's not me you're dancing with. It could be Julius or Sawyer or even your secret lover. Stay in character all the time"

"You're insane" Ruby ignored him and kept working on her questions.

Not The Teacher's PetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora