20. Closer

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The door flung open and Ruby was dumbstruck.

Hayes was standing there, his hair wet and spiky. A towel hung around his waist revealing his v-line. He wasn't too bulky but had the right amount of muscle. A fine layer of chest hair adorned his torso making her throat dry.

She couldn't help but rake her eyes up and down his body as he ruffled his hair dry.

"Yes, gemstone?"


It rolled off his tongue in the sexiest way possible.

She remembered it from the script but now, it felt too surreal.

He just called her a gemstone.

Nobody had given her a cute nickname in her entire life.


She wanted him to keep calling her that.

Every day.

Every night.

All the time.

She wanted to hear him say-

"Are you done gawking?"

She snapped back to her normal self.

"I wasn't" Her cheeks turned red.

"Really? Why were you banging on my door?"

"Nothing" she replied, "Wait, no not nothing"

"Which is it?" He smiled, leaning against the door frame.

Jesus, she had to keep her eyes on his face.

"I wanted to talk some stuff..."

"I'm listening" He crossed his arms causing his hair to fall over his forehead. It was too hot for her to process anything.

"I uh... I forgot, maybe later" She muttered, wanting to wholeheartedly fix her eyes on his face, but she failed every time.

"Is there anything else?" He smiled.

"Nah..." She leaned against the doorframe as well, evidently drooling. Ruby knew that she had never seen anyone as beautiful as him, she wanted to enjoy the moment.

"Then, can I go dress?" He chuckled.

"Huh... Yeah, yeah. Just go..." She straightened herself and went to her room, immediately collapsing on the bed.


He was fucking hot.

Like smoldering.

Like the sun.

Maybe far more than the sun.

She couldn't believe that she forgot every word of what she wanted to tell him.

Now he knew that she was checking him out.

How could she look at his face anymore?!

"Ruby, I need to talk to you as well, come to the kitchen" He called and she obediently followed his voice, forgetting the decision she made a moment ago.

She watched as he dropped food into Pearl and Char's bowl. He turned to her, fully dressed and serious.

"I know that Vernes and Ura are dead but that doesn't mean you're safe anymore. Jonas is far more dangerous than them. That means you'll have to stay here till he approaches us again. I have to find out what he wants"

"He talked about a deal, right?"

"He wants me to take part in all the murders and ugly shit he does. I ain't agreeing to that. It will just make them blame me further..." He muttered, she felt like he wasn't telling her the whole tale.

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