6. The Book Fair

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As the black SUV drove into the school campus, the security guard was surprised to find Ruby next to the professor.

"I picked her up from around the curve" Mr.Hayes chuckled, "Ah alright, have a great day ahead!" The man smiled. Ruby could feel the professor's eyes on her, she realized what he wanted.

"You too sir, thank you" she replied and Hayes smiled.

As they walked towards the building, Hayes turned to her, "Don't overwork yourself in PE... You still have that stitch on your head. We'll take it off tomorrow." She nodded.

"Mr.Hayes, what is your first name?" Ruby asked out of the blue.

"Why the sudden question?" He muttered and pushed open the staff door.

"It wasn't in the handbook nor have I heard anyone call you anything except Mr.Hayes. I'm curious" She leaned against the doorway as he sorted out the things on his desk, occasionally glancing at her.

"Haven't you heard? Curiosity killed the cat" He grinned, "Go to your class, Ruby"

This heightened her curiosity but she did as told.


After the first hour, it was English and the class grew restless when Mr.Hayes stepped in. "Please turn your textbooks to where we stopped last class and review the points," He told them while unbuttoning his coat. As he took it off and hung it on the chair, a few girls sighed inwardly.

Mr.Hayes looked much better than ever before.

He walked around the class reading the poem out loud, the students listened intently. Mr.Hayes glanced at Ruby sometimes and was glad to see that she was paying attention as well.

After the bell rang for recess, he put down his textbook and leaned against the table. "Coming Thursday, we'll be hosting our annual book fair. I want each of you to pick a good classic and write a report on it in three pages"

"Yes sir" They chorused and filed out in groups.

"Mikaela, come here" He called to her.

Ruby got up and walked over, "Yeah?"

"I said I had special tasks for you" He grinned, and her mind began panicking.

"I want you to apologize to Popy and be friends with her as soon as possible. That is your first task" He smiled before walking back to the staff room.

Ruby glanced at Popy and Ken who seemed to be busy talking something. She gathered enough courage and walked over to them, her knees were shaking by now.

Would Popy lash out?

Would Ken call her something meaner?

She stopped in front of them and the couple looked up, "What?" Ken gave her the stink eye. "Uh... I... Did you complete working on that English presentation?" Ruby asked her.

"Um... Not yet... I was paired up with Ken's team..." Popy mumbled, clearly feeling uncomfortable.

"Ah... Okay..." She walked back to her seat and laid her head on the table.

She couldn't even bring herself to say sorry!

And now Mr.Hayes had paired her up with another team...

It would get much harder to get close to her now...

Why did he have to do that?!

She was mad at him.

As the hours rolled by, it was lunchtime and everyone got up to leave for the canteen. Ruby thought of making one more attempt to break the ice, she caught up with Ken and Popy.

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