11. The Devil's Return

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Mr.Hayes didn't interact much with Ruby for a few days, but she did her best to make up to him. She would read the book she chose from the fair every night and write deeply about it. It wasn't a popular work nor was it a classic.

She chose it because the protagonist had her name. Ruby. It made her feel like she belonged.

Ruby knew that Hayes could be selfish and manipulative, but she also knew that he was desperately trying to change for her. After all, he did say that she could use him in any way he liked.

But she took a mile when he gave an inch.

Mr.Hayes wasn't entirely bad. He helped her when someone else might have called the cops. She would be in prison if it wasn't for him.

He had been her hero.


He ruined everything with a reckless gorgeous face.


On the next day of school, Ruby met Hayes in his staffroom early morning. The other teachers hadn't arrived yet and she chose this as the perfect opportunity to talk to him.

She handed him her book report, "I liked the book" she told him. "Okay, I'll grade your paper by lunch. Come and get it then" he replied, switching to his formal tone.

Ruby stayed glued in front of him till he looked up, "Is there anything else, Mikaela?"

It hurt when he purposefully called her that name.

"Will you be keeping extra classes?"

"I'm busy with the play. Maybe after a few weeks... If you really need anything, you can always come home" He smiled at her, but it didn't meet his eyes.

"Yeah, and let your drunk self teach me? No thank you"

"I'll be home till seven on most days. You could come then, if you had a cell you could call" He replied calmly.

"I hope you remember I don't have that luxury" She snapped at him.

"What do you want me to do, Mikaela?" He sighed.

Ruby stormed out of his staffroom.

"Arrogant brat" He muttered before setting her report aside. Hayes glanced at the door, then at the report. He finally thought of reading it but he was confident that it would be a book about homicide.

To his surprise, it wasn't.

Hayes was captivated by the first paragraph.

The story was about a headstrong girl, Ruby. She was selfish and arrogant but ambitious. She wanted all the good things in life. Ruby was a beautiful girl and she had many friends. As the daughter of a noble, she was wealthy and happy, but she wanted more. It wasn't exactly greed though, she just wanted to be above everyone else.

As Ruby progressed as a writer, she fell in love with one of her publishers. She had never met him face to face but they fell in love through letters. But over time Ruby was so absorbed with fame that she began ignoring his letters. She would think about him often but dismissed him as a distraction. There was a lot of drama, pain, and lies. In the end, she had hurt her lover so much.

Even though Ruby was loved as an author, the people she was close with only wished for her downfall. She attends a masquerade ball but feels extremely insecure at the rude comments people make. She cries and screams wanting her lover back.

He comes to the ball. That is the first time they meet as he reveals his face only for her eyes. He truly loved her and kisses her. But he can't be with her anymore. Even he disappears.

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