22. Reputation

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"Do you want to see a magic trick?" The little boy asked as he got down from his uncle's lap with a grin.

Ruby smiled back, "Sure" She settled down next to Hayes grateful that at least the children were sweet here.

Sheldon took a coin in his hand and showed it to her, "I'll make it disappear!"

He flailed his arms in the air saying weird words, and Ruby clearly saw the coin slip out of his clenched fist. He stepped on it and hid it under his shoe. The little magician continued making gasping sounds as if the coin had really disappeared into thin air.

"It's under your shoe, silly!" Shelly laughed at him.

"No! I'll do it again. You won't see it this time" He frowned but the girl snatched the coin from him.

"Uncle Jem knows the trick well!" She wiped the coin and gave it to him.

"Really?" Ruby chuckled.

"He's the best magician ever. Show us, Uncle!" The seven-year-olds jumped up and down in excitement.

"Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, watch closely"

He took the coin in his fist, tossed it very high, and caught it in his fist.

"Where's the coin?"

"It's in your hand... Right?"

But Hayes opened his fist to reveal an empty palm.

"How did you do that?" Ruby stared at him in amazement.

"I have many tricks up my sleeve" He grinned, "The coin is already traveling above your heads," Hayes told the children.

"How will you bring it back?" They asked, very excited.

"It will be hidden in someone's hair"

"Is it in Uncle Lee's?" The little girl giggled and Hayes laughed at her, knowing Lee was as bald as a turtle.

"No, it's a woman"

"Oh, is it in grandmas?"

"Nah, it's with the most beautiful woman present here" He smiled and the children turned their heads left and right in hopes that the coin would fall out of somebody's hair soon.

"It's right here" Hayes leaned towards Ruby, his face dangerously close to hers but he didn't break eye contact. He pushed strands of her hair behind her ear only to have the coin back in his palm.

Ruby glanced at the coin and back at his face, his eyes were boring into hers and she felt captured by the scent of his cologne.

"Uncle Jem is flirting with Ruby!" Sheldon gasped and the other three laughed at this.

"Shelly! Sheldon! Come here this instant!" Lisa yelled and the children ran towards her, she shot Ruby a cold glare before disappearing into the house.

"What was that about?" Hayes asked her.

"I may or may not have been very rude. She's a bitch, no offense" Ruby grunted. Chuckling, Hayes took the glass from her hand and drank the rest.

"You seem close with the kids though"

"I often pick them up from school and they stay home with me over the weekends. Jacob allows it even though Lisa thinks I'm a terrible influence on them."

"You can't blame her"

Hayes frowned at Ruby, "What did I ever do?"

"You hang around at strip clubs and date random girls every week. You're obsessed with trying to be reckless, Mr.Hayes" She slurred.

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