21. The Lakehouse

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Ruby slept during most of the car ride and woke up feeling chilly. "If you sleep in the afternoon, you'll end up falling asleep during class too" Mr.Hayes sighed.

She rubbed her eyes and looked around groggily, "Are we there yet?"

"In a bit..." He replied.

Ruby stared out of the window and gasped, "Are you seeing this?!"

"Pretty cool, I know" Hayes grinned.

The scenery outside was gorgeous, especially since there were flowery meadows down the hill and the afternoon sun made everything sparkle. In the distance, she saw a huge lake.

"It's called Lake Hayes"

"You're kidding..."

He shook his head with a chuckle.

Ruby took off her seatbelt, "What are you doing? Sit down!" But she was already leaning out the window with her knees on her seat.

She felt the wind on her face, which smelled of fresh rain and daffodils. It messed up her hair but she didn't care. Ruby raised her hands.

In all her eighteen years she had never felt this alive.

Hayes didn't urge her to sit anymore. He smiled to himself thinking she was finally given a moment to be a child in between her rough life.

Ruby sat down as he took a curve and she had a permanent grin on her face even though her hair looked as if she was struck with lightning, he chuckled at this.

"We're here"

He honked at the large vintage gates that blocked their path. An old man came out from one of the booths, "Who is it?" He squinted at the young man, "Try guessing"


The man blinked a couple of times, "My dear boy is that you?" He suddenly became teary.

"I'm glad you remember me, Mr.Swen"

"We've been waiting so long for you to come back!" He exclaimed and ran over to open the gates.

Mr.Swen hurried back, "My eyes are so weak that I hope this isn't a hallucination"

Hayes laughed at this, "I want you to meet someone," He smoothed out the spiky hair on her head as Mr.Swen took a good look at the girl, "This is Ruby"

She smiled at the old man, "My, she's a darling" Mr.Swen smiled back. "Shall I alert Master Hayes that you've reached?"

"No, it's fine, no one knows that I'll be here today. Let's keep it that way" Hayes told the man.

"I'm guessing Jem is Jeremy for short? Even Jonas called you that" Ruby asked him as they drove down a tiled road. "Yes, you'll be hearing it quite often now... But just refrain from talking about Jonas here, 'kay?" She nodded.

In the distance, she saw a large mansion. It almost looked like a hotel, "How rich are you?"

"Profoundly" He stated and drove into an open field where a few other cars were parked. They saw people staring at them from near the house and Ruby felt a tad bit nervous.

"Time for action," Mr.Hayes told her. They got out of the car together and walked towards the people who were setting up barbecues, all eyes turned to the couple.

"Jem?" A man with silky white hair came over to them, "Wait, you really came?"

"Yeah," He smiled and intertwined his hands with Ruby.

"Who's this?" The old man turned to her.

"Dad this is Ruby, my girlfriend. And Ruby this is my dad"

"Nice to meet you..." His dad shook her hand.

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