Forty-Two: Say It

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"Daniel, tell the others that Kira had a work emergency come up and I'm giving her a ride," Jonah instructed. He unfolded his arms and turned to walk down the hallway.

"You're not even gonna say anything-" Daniel started.

"Trust me. This," Jonah said as he gestured between Kira and Daniel. "Is not new information to me. Now go. Kira, come on."

Daniel looked at Jonah in confusion and then he stumbled down the hallway toward the studio while Kira followed Jonah in the other direction. She was quiet as she followed him. Jonah did not look happy. Already, she could think of several reasons why and she was worried about which one was right.

Jonah led her out to his car and they both got in. He started it and pulled out of the parking lot. Kira kept her mouth shut and just watched him. She waited for him to explain what was going on. But he didn't say anything for the entire car ride. He just gripped the steering wheel tightly and kept his jaw clenched. It was rare to see Jonah this upset and she was too scared to say anything.

Eventually, they arrived back at home. Jonah tossed his keys on the table by the door and marched down the hall. Kira followed timidly after him. They ended up by the couch and Jonah pointed for her to sit down. He was on one end and she sat on the other. She folded her legs up on the couch and hugged her knees to her chest.

"Why do you think I wanted to talk to you?" Jonah asked quietly. His voice was very even and gentle and that surprised her. Based on how he'd been driving, she expected him to be angrier.

"I...I imagine has to do with me having sex with Daniel in a closet?" she whispered. Jonah shook his head and sighed.

"I mean, that's part of it," he said. He sounded more frustrated now. "That was pretty stupid of you. I could barely get Corbyn and Zach to focus on recording because they both kept looking out in the hall wondering where you were. And don't even get me started on whatever the fuck is wrong with Jack. You're not being careful anymore, Kira. You're just doing whatever you want without worrying about the consequences. Or how other people are going to feel."

Kira sighed and looked down. Her fingers began playing with the hem of her cardigan.

"I know," she mumbled. "I shouldn't have done it."

"I just don't understand what you're doing anymore," Jonah continued. The calmness in his voice was slowly melting away and he was becoming more irritated. "You're not thinking. You're not feeling. You're being selfish, Kira. And pretty soon they're all gonna find out what you're doing and I guarantee you they will not be happy about it. They actually care about you. And it doesn't seem like you care about them."

"I do care-"

"I don't think so! You're just using all of us to make yourself feel better!" Jonah leaned forward on the couch and his brows furrowed. "Anytime you're horny, you just grab whoever's closest to you to fuck you. And then you quickly move on to the next guy. You went to dinner with Corbyn and had sex somewhere. You went out with Zach and stayed overnight somewhere having sex. You had Daniel drive you out somewhere to have sex. Then you went out of town for the weekend to have sex with Jack. And that was all just last week. I don't even want to know what you've done this week."

Kira looked down guiltily and Jonah hesitated. He watched her for a moment and narrowed his eyes.

"Ok, maybe I do want to know," he said quietly. She shook her head and she could feel tears forming in her eyes. "What did you do?"

When she looked up at him, her eyes were watering so much she could barely see his face. She felt so guilty for what she'd done to Jack this week. He didn't deserve any of it and she had no good reason for it. He'd tried to be vulnerable with her and try to connect more, but now she was worried she'd ruined any chance of them ever being together again.

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