*Seven: Wrong Name

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Daniel, Kira, and Corbyn sat on the couch playing Call of Duty. Kira wasn't super big on video games but sometimes she joined in so she could spend more time with the guys. Growing up, her and her brother had only played MarioKart and all the Lego games. It wasn't until they got older that her brother started playing games like Call of Duty and at that point she wasn't interested in playing much any more. Unfortunately, that meant she wasn't as good as Daniel and Corbyn were. But she was decent enough to at least somewhat keep up with them.

Jonah came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked.

"Kira's trying to play video games," Daniel mumbled as he kept his eyes glued to the tv.

"Trying and succeeding, asshole." Kira elbowed him. This caused Daniel's fingers to hit several buttons on his controller accidentally which forced his character to move suddenly and he was shot. Corbyn laughed.

"Are you kidding me?" Daniel yelled at the tv and then looked at Kira with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. Kira and Corbyn continued laughing.

The game didn't last much longer and they finally all put down their controllers. Kira turned to look at Jonah. He was wearing jeans, a leather jacket, and his favorite boots. It was much nicer than the sweatpants and tshirts the rest of them were wearing.

"Where are you going?" Kira asked. Daniel and Corbyn both turned to look over the couch.

"I'm meeting up with a few friends."

"You have friends besides us?" Kira asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that even allowed?" Daniel asked with a smile.

"I thought signing the lease was a promise that you'd only be friends with the people in this house," Corbyn added.

"I'm a little offended that you would rather spend time with other friends instead of bumming it on the couch with the rest of us," Kira said.

Jonah rolled his eyes and smiled while the three on the couch kept laughing.

"I really feel like going out tonight," Jonah said with a shrug. He walked around the kitchen island and then leaned against it, facing the others on the couch. "Jack is spending the day with his mom and it didn't seem like the rest of you were planning on going anywhere this weekend."

He gestured to the three of them. Kira had her hair in a messy bun and she was wearing the same clothes from the day before. To be fair, so were Daniel and Corbyn. It had been at least a day since any of them had showered and they'd been on the couch most of the day. Kira glanced out the window. Wow, it was dark already. 

"We went out last weekend," Corbyn said with a smile. Jonah laughed.

"Yeah and Zach nearly punched a guy and we all had the worst hangovers of our lives," Jonah countered. "I'd like to see if other people manage to go out without majorly regretting it the next day."

"That's fair," Corbyn nodded with a laugh. Then he turned back around and sunk down on the couch cushions. He reached for a bag of chips. "Well have fun I guess."

"That's the plan," Jonah said. He stepped away from the counter and headed for the door. "Try to get up off the couch every once in a while. See you guys later!"

"Bye!" Kira called. Once the door closed, she turned back to Daniel and Corbyn. "You know, Jonah's right. I think I'm gonna at least shower today."

Kira set her controller aside and got up off the couch.

"If you're tired of losing, you can just say that," Daniel said.

Kira smacked his arm as she walked past him and headed up the stairs. She heard Zach playing guitar in his room as she walked down the hall to her room and bathroom. Since she didn't really have anything else she needed to do that day, she took a nice long shower. She deep conditioned her hair and took her time shaving her legs. After she got out of the shower, she even did a face mask. She walked back into her room with a fuzzy robe wrapped around her and she played an episode of The Vampire Diaries while she brushed out her hair.

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