Thirteen: Fix It

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"I gotta go, Jack. Corbyn needs me."

Kira hung up the phone and Jack sat on the end of his bed staring at the dark screen. Corbyn needs her? Needs her how? Jack tossed his phone onto the bed and then he leaned forward with his head in his hands. This was all his fault. He'd said terrible things to her. He'd hurt her. And now it seemed like he'd driven her right into Corbyn's arms. At least she'd actually answered the phone this time.

I'm not your baby, Jack.

He sighed. He wished he could take it all back. He wished he could go back to that amazing Saturday morning when they'd woken up in bed together. Things were better then. They were just having fun and Jack didn't have to go and make it a problem that she was also sleeping with Zach. Did it really matter anyway? Even having some of Kira's time should have been enough for him. He shouldn't have complained especially when he was the one who told her to go ahead and sleep with other people.

Jonah walked past Jack's door and then stepped back. Jack still had his head in his hands and he let out another heavy sigh.

"You alright?" Jonah asked and Jack looked up quickly. He stared at his friend for a moment and then he sighed again.

"No," Jack said, flopping back on the bed. He stared at the ceiling and he heard Jonah walk into the room and sit in the chair at his desk.

"Can I help?" Jonah asked.

"No," Jack said again. He took a deep breath. "I can't talk about it. Not with you. Not with anybody. I can't tell anyone what's wrong, but I am absolutely miserable right now and I don't know how to fix it because she won't even answer the phone."

Jack stopped himself. He was rambling and knew he would eventually tell Jonah if he didn't shut his mouth. He hoped Jonah wasn't able to figure out who he meant by "her." The room was quiet for a while. Jack did appreciate having Jonah at least here with him. Even if he didn't know what was going on, it was nice to feel comforted and supported by someone. Jonah leaned back in the chair and it squeaked. Jack looked over at him.

"Is this about Kira?" Jonah asked.

At first, Jack felt panic. Did Jonah know? But there was nothing about Jonah's expression that made it seem like he knew anything. He just looked curious. But Jack had to be sure.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, I heard you guys arguing the day before she left," Jonah said with a shrug. Jack felt a tightness in his chest. That argument had been playing in his mind constantly since that night. Anyone who'd been listening would know exactly what was going on between Kira, Jack, and Zach. Jack was holding his breath as he looked at Jonah. "I didn't really hear what you were yelling about. All I did hear was when she called you an ass and told you to get out. I'm assuming you did something pretty terrible for her to yell at you like that."

Jack sighed. He was relieved that's all Jonah heard but he also still felt guilty.

"I...I said some really terrible things to her because I was mad," Jack explained. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and rubbed his face. He didn't want to look at Jonah. Since Jonah was the oldest, it was easy to see him as a bit of a father figure and Jack never wanted to disappoint him. Even looking at Jonah was usually enough to get him to confess anything he'd done. He couldn't confess this though. "She's one of my best friends and I know better than to treat her like that. I regretted what I said as soon as the words left my mouth and I tried to make it up to her. I've been texting her and trying to call her ever since she left, but she's ignoring me. She answered me just now, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't paying attention to who was calling her. And then Corbyn walked in while we were on the phone and she said she had to go."

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