Nine: Too Cold

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"The list I left with you guys is not that complicated," Kira spoke quickly into the phone. She paced back and forth in the snow and kept an eye out for Corbyn. "I can't organize an entire party from two states away. If you want it to be nice, then you guys need to take care of things for me. The list has all the numbers you need to call and everything you need to do. I'll take care of everything else when I get home."

"What about Thanksgiving though?" Daniel asked. "Not to add more to the list, but it seems like we're a little more focused on Corbyn's birthday than on Thanksgiving. Who's making all the food?"

"Again, I left a very thorough list." Kira was losing her patience. She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. "The list includes all the groceries you need to get for Thanksgiving. I'll have plenty of time to make all the food when I get back. What I don't have time for is getting everything together for Corbyn's birthday. I need you guys to help me out!"

"You listed out like 20 people we need to call. How do we know what we should even say to them?" Zach asked. From what Kira had gathered, Daniel's phone was sitting on the kitchen counter while he, Zach, and Jack huddled around it. "I know this stuff is easy for you, but for us-"

"Ok. Where's Jonah? This is ridiculous." Kira's tone was tighter and it took all her self control to not yell.

"He just walked in," Jack said. "JONAH! JONAH!"

Kira had to hold the phone away from her as all three of them started shouting Jonah's name. She could hear them telling him to take the phone and then eventually she heard his voice.

"Hey, Kira. What's up?" Jonah asked in a calm, pleasant voice. Kira took another breath.

"Look, I've been trying to explain to them what needs to get done for Corbyn's birthday and it really shouldn't be this hard-"

"I already called the first five people on the list and I just came home with some of the party supplies we need," Jonah said before Kira could get too worked up. She sighed.

"You're serious? You're taking care of it?" Kira asked for confirmation.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it. I'll take charge of everything and I'll make sure the guys help out. You can focus on Corbyn and enjoying your trip."

Kira sighed again. It was cold enough that she could see her breath. The winter coat she had wasn't doing nearly enough to keep her warm and the cold had already seeped through the snow boots she was wearing. She couldn't wait until Corbyn's set was done and they could go back to their Airbnb to warm up.

"Thanks, Jonah," Kira said finally. She glanced at the doors and saw Corbyn finally walking out. He pulled his coat tighter around him and he shoved his hands deep in his pockets. "Corbyn's coming. I'll call tomorrow to check in."

"Ok. Don't worry at all and just have fun," Jonah said seriously and Kira smiled. "Talk to you tomorrow."

"Ok. Bye, Jo."

Then she heard Jack's voice in the background. 

"Wait! Jo, let me talk to her for a minute," Jack said. 

Kira immediately hung up the phone. She still wasn't in the mood to talk to him. Ever since their argument, she'd been actively ignoring him. He kept trying to talk to her, but she wouldn't allow it. The things he'd said and implied hurt too much and she didn't really care what he had to say anymore.

As Corbyn walked up, she forced a smile. 

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Just the guys. Apparently none of them know where the plunger is." Kira shrugged and Corbyn laughed.

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