Thirty-Seven: Don't Run

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The next morning, Kira woke up with a headache. She was still cuddling with Zach while Colby was on the other side of her. For a while, she looked at Zach's peaceful face as he slept. His lips were parted and he breathed slowly. His hair was still messy from last night and she wanted to run her fingers through it but she was worried she might wake him. Instead, she gently shifted away from him and looked over at Colby.

Surprisingly, he was already awake and scrolling through his phone. His hair was messy too, but it looked like he'd at least run his fingers through it a few times to make it look more presentable. He felt Kira's eyes on him and he looked over at her with a smile.

"Morning," he whispered.

"How long have you been awake?" she whispered back as she moved a little closer to him.

"Not long." Colby put his phone down. He looked over Kira to see if Zach was still asleep then his blue eyes shifted back to her. "You hungry?"

"I'm starving. And my head hurts," she said. Colby smiled again.

"Let's head downstairs. I bet Zach will be awake by the time we have some food made."

Colby eased his way off the bed and Kira followed him. He hurried over to his closet and he pulled on a pair of sweatpants. Kira shook her head when he offered her a pair since the shirt she was wearing was plenty long. She grabbed her phone from the coffee table. She glanced at it quickly and saw she had several missed calls and texts. She sighed and turned her phone off. She'd deal with it later. Colby opened the door to his room and she followed him out.

The house was quiet and they assumed Sam was still asleep. Kira felt the need to tiptoe as they walked to the kitchen. Sam and Colby's kitchen was huge and Kira felt a little jealous. She began imagining all the meals she could prepare in a kitchen this size. Thanksgiving certainly would have been a lot easier.

Colby opened a cupboard and grabbed a bottle of Advil. He handed it to Kira and then went to grab her a glass. He filled it with water and handed that to her too. She took the Advil and then finished off the rest of the water.

"So," Colby said as he walked over to the fridge. "Living with five guys, huh?"

"Yep," Kira said with a nod. She leaned against the counter and watched Colby grab a few things out of the fridge.

"And Zach's definitely not the only one you're sleeping with, is he?" Colby asked. He looked over his shoulder and smirked. Kira sighed and rested her head on the cool countertop.

"I'm sleeping with all five of them, Colby," she muttered. She heard the fridge door close and when she looked up, Colby was staring at her in surprise.

"You're sleeping with all five of them? And they don't know?" he asked. He let out a breath and shook his head as he processed that. "I thought it was impressive that you and Zach managed to keep it quiet. But how the hell are you sneaking around with five guys who all live in the same house?"

"Some of them know," Kira explained. She was still leaning heavily against the counter and her voice was quiet as she spoke. "Jack knows everything. So does Jonah. Daniel kind of knows. He at least knows I'm sleeping with one other guy in the house but he doesn't know who. Zach and Corbyn both think they're the only ones."

Colby nodded again and didn't say anything right away. He pressed his lips together and tapped his fingers on the counter.

"Sounds like a pretty complicated situation," he said finally. He looked at the food he'd pulled out of the fridge. There was a carton of eggs, some orange juice, and milk. He opened the carton of eggs to see how many there were. "How do you think this is gonna turn out? I mean, you can't keep this up forever."

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