Seventeen: Good Morning

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Jack and Kira were woken up by someone knocking on Jack's door. They both jumped and looked at each other with wide eyes. Kira looked down at herself. She was completely naked and so was Jack. Their clothes were strewn around the room. If someone came in, they'd know exactly what happened.

The knocking continued and they started to get up to try and figure out what to do.

"Jack, it's Jonah. Can I come in?"

Kira and Jack relaxed. It happened to be the one person who knew what had happened last night.

"Yeah, come in," Jack called with relief in his voice.

He pulled the blankets up a little so Kira was still covered. Kira smiled at that. Jonah walked in quickly and shut the door behind him. He was slightly out of breath and still in his pajamas. His curly hair was messy. He looked at Kira sitting in the bed and then he looked at Jack.

"Kira needs to go back to her room right now," Jonah said quickly. "And you need to come downstairs."

"Why?" Kira asked. She sat up a little and Jack glanced over to make sure the blankets didn't slip. She held her hand over them to appease him.

"The others wanted to make you breakfast in bed," Jonah explained. He gestured toward the hallway. "So, they kind of expect you to be in your bed and Jack needs to be downstairs helping. It's in the guys' group chat."

"You guys have a group chat without me?" Kira asked. She looked between Jack and Jonah with mock hurt on her face.

"Yeah. It's where we talk about how much all of us wanna do you," Jack said with a smirk and Kira hit his shoulder. He smiled.

"Okay, seriously! We gotta get moving!" Jonah said. He bent down, picked up their clothes off the floor, and began tossing them on the bed. "How late did you guys stay up?"

"It was about 5 when we went to bed," Jack said. He stretched his arms and yawned. His hair was half sticking up and Kira thought it looked adorable. As he finished his yawn, he turned to her and caught her staring. He smiled.

"What time is it now?" Kira mumbled as she leaned over and kissed Jack's cheek. He blushed slightly since Jonah was still in the room.

"10," Jonah said shortly. He was pacing by the door and it was clear he was anxious to get them out of this room. "Now hurry and get dressed."

Kira started to get out of bed, but Jack put a hand on her arm to stop her. She looked at him with raised eyebrows, but he was looking at Jonah.

"Turn around," Jack said seriously. Jonah and Kira both looked at him in confusion.

"I've seen her naked," Jonah said with a half smile. "I had sex with her yesterday too."

"Yeah, but she's with me right now." Jack still sounded very serious. Kira thought about last night when he said he loved it when she was his. She found herself smiling again even though Jack didn't appear to be in a joking mood. "And I'd appreciate it if you kept your eyes to yourself."

Jonah and Kira both looked at Jack for a long time. Finally, Jonah sighed and turned around. Jack let go of Kira's arm and she got out of bed. She pulled on her clothes while Jack got up to do the same. He went to his closet and pulled out some fresh clothes. Kira figured she'd change once she got back to her room. She'd already pulled on her clothes from last night and she stood by the door with Jonah.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked. Jonah looked down at her.

"I told the other guys I'd wake up Jack," Jonah said. He glanced over at Jack who was finally pulling a shirt on. "I'll help you get back to your room without being seen and then he needs to come with me."

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