*Twenty-Nine: Too Hard

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It was late when Daniel finally walked Kira back to her house. The snow had stopped, but there was still plenty on the ground. Daniel kept Kira's arm linked with his so she wouldn't slip. The windows in her house were dark and Kira assumed everyone was already asleep. They walked up to Kira's front door and she let out a sigh of relief when she realized the door was still unlocked. She quietly opened it, stepped inside, and then turned back to Daniel. He was already smiling at her. 

"Good night," she whispered. Then she stood on her tip toes to kiss him again. Daniel stepped closer to her and rested his hands on her waist while he kissed her goodnight. She held the side of his face. When they pulled back, he leaned against her hand and closed his eyes. Then he turned and kissed the palm of her hand. 

"Night," he said quietly. 

"Thank you for bringing her home safely, Daniel."

Kira and Daniel both jumped as they turned and saw Tracy sitting in the living room with a knowing smile. 

"Mom!" Kira said, but Tracy just smiled. 

"Merry Christmas, Daniel. Have a good night," Tracy said. 

Daniel tried to hide the blush on his cheeks and he looked down with a smile. He cleared his throat. 

"Merry Christmas, Tracy. I'll see you guys tomorrow," Daniel muttered. He looked at Kira and gave her one last kiss. "Bye."

"Bye," Kira whispered. Daniel left and she shut the door behind him. Then she turned to her mom. She sighed, but she couldn't fight her smile. "It's late, Mom. What are you still doing up?"

Kira pulled off her shoes and she walked into the living room to sit on the couch by her mom. She folded her legs up up on the couch. 

"Well, I was helping Jared and Michelle set up everything for tomorrow morning," Tracy said. She pointed over at the tree and surrounding area where all the kids' toys lay waiting. "But you know how sleepy Jared gets when he drinks. They both went to bed and I finished up for them. Besides, I wasn't sure if you were going to stay at Daniel's or not. I wanted to stay up a little longer in case you came home."

"Thanks, Mom," Kira said quietly. She grabbed her mom's hand and gave it a light squeeze. "After we heard the Seaveys come home, we figured I should probably head back. I wanted to spend Christmas morning with my family anyway."

"That's sweet, honey," Tracy said with a smile. It was quiet for a minute. Kira leaned her head back on the couch and closed her eyes. Tracy looked over at her and chuckled to herself. "So? How was it?"

Kira looked up with wide eyes. 

"Mom! I'm not gonna have this conversation with you!" Kira said quickly. Tracy just laughed. 

"Oh, come on, sweetheart. We're both adults. We can talk about these things."

"Yeah, but you've known Daniel since he was a kid. Are you sure you wanna hear how good he is in bed?"

"So it was good then?" Tracy asked. Kira groaned and covered her face. Tracy laughed again. "Fine. I won't push for details. I'm just glad you had a good time."

They were quiet again. Tracy had a content smile on her face. She was looking over at the Christmas tree and eventually Kira looked over as well. The lights on the tree were still on and Kira wondered how she'd missed seeing that when she walked up to the house with Daniel. As she stared at the lights, she thought about what her mom had said earlier. Kira could go to her about anything. Her mom was a wise woman and she knew she wouldn't judge her about anything. Kira had felt so conflicted and she could use the advice of someone much older than her. 

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