*Fifteen: Want You

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Kira awoke in the dark. She was disoriented for a moment and sat up to try to remember where she was. She held the blanket to her chest since she was naked and it was cold. It was too dark to see and she was absolutely starving for some reason. Her back also ached because the floor was so hard. She felt around her until her hand hit something warm. Jonah groaned a little and Kira suddenly remembered what had happened. They were in the back of the van at one of the overlooks above L.A.

She turned to Jonah and put her hands on what she assumed was his shoulder. She began gently shaking him.

"Jonah," she mumbled. He didn't immediately move and she shook him a little harder. "Jonah, wake up."

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"Wake up," she said again. "Come on. We need to go get food. I'm starving."

"Someone's got the munchies," he mumbled and then laughed quietly.

"Jonah!" she moaned and she shook him again. He continued laughing and he finally pulled himself into a sitting position.

They both shuffled around the back of the van looking for their phones. Kira reached up to the ceiling to turn one of the lights on. Jonah winced as the light turned on and he squinted a little. Finally, he found his pants and then his phone laying next to them.

"Wow. It's only 1 am," he said.

"Only?" Kira said with a little more urgency. "We've been out that long? The guys are gonna be suspicious and ask us what we've been up to-"

"I told them I was taking you out to help you relax," Jonah said calmly. He put a hand on her arm and squeezed it gently. She took a deep breath as he talked. "They all saw how stressed you are and I think they'll believe us if we say you needed this much time to calm down. Plus, I don't think they'll actually notice or care."

"I doubt that," Kira said bitterly. She'd found her clothes and she was slowly pulling them on. "Corbyn and Zach are both horny as fuck and have already tried to get me into bed today. They'll definitely notice how long I've been gone."

Jonah chuckled to himself. He'd pulled his pants back on and he was looking around for his shirt. Kira's clothes were on and she leaned against the side of the van. Clearly, the weed gummies had worn off. Once again, she felt anxious and she was nervous about going back home. Her and Jack had just made up and then immediately fought again. She'd snapped at Corbyn and brushed off Zach. And, while she'd been yelling at everyone, she felt like she'd been specifically yelling at Daniel since his offer to help was what spurred her rant.

"Hey," Jonah said as he pulled his shirt on again. Kira was slightly disappointed that she couldn't stare at his bare chest anymore. "They'll get over it. After your...outburst...I think everyone realized we need to give you a little more space. And help out more."

Kira sighed and put her head in her hands.

"I was such a bitch," she muttered.

"No, you weren't. You were just overwhelmed." Jonah moved closer to her and pulled her into a hug. She sighed again and he began rubbing her back. She continued to breathe quietly as he held her. "Where do you want to get food? We can go anywhere you want. Well, anywhere that's still open."

Kira laughed and smiled at Jonah. He smiled too. He had such a bright, genuine smile. Being around him helped her relax a little. However, she wished she was still as relaxed as she'd been earlier. Her eyes landed on the bag of gummies that was still on the floor. Jonah followed her gaze and then he looked at her with the smile still on his face. He reached for them.

"Okay, we also need some real food," he said. He held the bag open for her and she ate one. He popped one in his mouth and then he closed the bag.

"I feel like I need a really good burger right now," Kira said.

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