*Thirty-Nine: Mrs. Avery

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On their way up to the Airbnb they'd rented for the weekend, Jack and Kira stopped at a grocery store to get everything they'd need. They intended to spend the entire weekend alone in the house they rented and they didn't want to leave at all. It would be a quiet, winter weekend getaway.

"Okay, and what do you want for dinner tomorrow night?" Kira asked. She was looking over everything they had in the cart already as she thought through a few potential recipes.

"You," Jack said smugly while he leaned against the cart. Kira looked up at him annoyed and he just chuckled. Kira both hated and loved that smile of his. It always gave her butterflies at the worst times. It made her want him in the middle of a grocery store. She turned away from him and started looking at the produce they were standing by.

"You can't have me for dinner every night," Kira muttered as she looked over the tomatoes. "You need some more vegetables in your diet. What about fajitas for dinner? And I can make my homemade salsa."

"You know I like things to have a little spice," Jack said suggestively. Kira sighed and looked over her shoulder at him. He smiled sweetly at her. "Yes, fajitas sound lovely."

"Remember, you're in charge of breakfast," Kira reminded him. She picked out some vegetables and put them in the cart. Jack nodded and watched her. His eyes scanned up and down her body. She bent over to grab an onion. He stared at her ass while biting his lip. When she looked up again, she rolled her eyes. "Okay, you go off and get the stuff for breakfast. Clearly, it's too much of a distraction for me to be around you."

"But I don't wanna be away from you, baby," Jack said and he stuck out his bottom lip. Kira forced down the smile tugging at her lips.

"The sooner we do this, the sooner we can get to the house and then we can-"

"Yeah okay!" Jack said quickly and he ran off to get some stuff for breakfast. Kira shook her head and finally smiled.

Without Jack slowing things down, she moved through the store and picked up everything she'd need for lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert for the whole weekend. While she walked, she remembered that the place they rented had a fire pit. Even if it was cold, she fully intended to roast some marshmallows. She was never one to pass up a good fire pit. She made sure she grabbed some marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers.

After a while, she found Jack again and he had a bunch of food in his arms. He had so much food in his arms that he clearly couldn't see where he was going. It was a while before he even noticed her smiling at him. He slowly shuffled over to the cart and put his food in.

"Why didn't you grab a basket?" Kira asked. Jack shrugged.

"I literally didn't think I'd get that much." He chuckled as he looked at everything.

"So, what are you making me for breakfast?" Kira asked. Jack started pushing the cart toward the checkout and she walked closely beside him. He smiled at her.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

She laughed and followed him up to the checkout. The cashier greeted them and started scanning everything. While they waited, Jack stood behind Kira and wrapped his arms around her. She giggled as he kissed her cheek and squeezed her tightly. The cashier glanced up at them with a smile.

"You two are a cute couple," she said to make conversation. "Are you on a romantic weekend getaway?"

"It's our honeymoon actually," Jack said without skipping a beat.

"Jack!" Kira said quickly and she looked back at him with wide eyes to see why the hell he was saying that. He just smiled at her. Kira turned back to the cashier to correct Jack, but the cashier spoke first.

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