*Four: Safe Word

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Zach followed Kira into the living room and kitchen. They turned on a few lamps as they walked into the room so it wasn't completely dark. Kira grabbed the back of the couch to balance herself, then she bent down and unstrapped her heels. She dropped them on the floor. Zach pulled off his jacket so he was left in a black tank top. It had become one of his favorite things to wear, so Kira was used to it. That didn't stop her from staring. The tank top really showed off his arms and the work he'd been putting in at the gym. He had strong arms and Kira knew that underneath that tank top was an equally toned body. She was excited for a chance to run her hands all over him.

She was staring at his arms still and she finally looked back at his face. The way he was watching her made her think he knew exactly what to do to make her feel good. His dark hair was half falling in his eyes and his lips were just barely parted.

"You know, I almost feel like I'm not in my own house," Kira said. She stepped away from the couch toward Zach. He slid his arms around her waist. "I feel like I went home with a sexy stranger."

"I can be a stranger for you," Zach said in a husky voice. She tried to hold back a laugh but couldn't.

"What does that even mean?"

"I don't even know, but it sounded way cooler in my head," Zach said with a laugh.

He bent down and kissed her slowly. Kira reached up for his shoulders. Her hands slowly made their way down his arms and she made sure to squeeze his muscles as she did. All those gym sessions were definitely worth it. Zach kissed her a little longer and then he pulled back.

"So, before we head upstairs," he began slowly. He bit his lip and he looked like he was trying to figure out how to say what he wanted. He let out a breath and didn't quite look at her. "I think it's a good idea to...set expectations I guess?"

"Yeah. That's a good place to start." Kira nodded. She wondered what Zach was getting at. It was clear he had something specific he wanted to say and his resistance to say it made her feel hesitant. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well," Zach smiled a little and then he looked her in the eye finally. There was an intensity there that excited her. "You should probably know that I like the kind of sex that requires having a safe word."

Kira paused for a second as she took that in. Having a safe word could mean so many different things. Her mind went to everything from handcuffs to the Fifty Shades movies to the corners of the internet she tried to stay away from. What exactly was Zach into?

"Ok." Kira nodded. "And what does that typically look like?"

"I'm not into anything too crazy. Like not the really intense BDSM type stuff," Zach clarified quickly and that eased Kira's worries. She tried to make sure her expression looked open to what he had to say. She'd been adventurous at points in her life and she was open to trying new things. "It's honestly more tame than I'm making it sound. Like, I've got handcuffs, blindfolds, some uh...rope."

Zach's face was red and he tried to laugh it off. He looked away, but Kira reached for his face.

"So far, that's nothing I can't handle," she said and he looked reassured. "Anything else?"

"Uh, well." Zach was flustered again. "You know, it's so much easier to just do these things because saying them out loud just sounds like silly and stuff."

"Zach," Kira said with a smile. "You don't need to be embarrassed. Remember, I witnessed the Bugs Bunny incident this morning and I'm still willing to sleep with you."

"That's a good point." Zach laughed. "Ok. I uh...I like spanking and choking. Not hard! Obviously I don't want to hurt you or anything. Honestly, I just generally like being dominant. I mean I'm into some bondage type stuff but the bottom line is I just like being in control. And if you're not into any of that, we don't have to do it. We can just have some casual, vanilla sex. Missionary position. Real tame."

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