His impressions 1.1

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“3 DAYS.” I said louder than I expected to sound, “In three days I shall hear your answer. If not, you shall be executed for threatening to kill the Crown prince.”

I was surprised with my tone as well.

“Well then m'lady, please enjoy the food.” I said after a few moment.

“I think I'm fine, if your highness is done I'd like to take my leave.” she said looking down at her hands again.

“Sir Aether will escort you out.”

“Why did you threaten her like that?” Aether said me when he had returned to my office.

I didn't know the answer to that question as well.

I wasn't going to pressure her and I was definitely not going to execute her because of a small misunderstanding.

I got threatened everyday by three people anyway.

“Maybe...I just didn't want her to decline it.”

Huh? Wha...what?

There was a moment of silence.

“Ahem, either way your highness should apologise to the Lady.” Aether coughed.


“Do you think she would like flowers? I mean every girl likes flowers right?” I asked him, I didn't know what she would like.

“Or maybe a simple 'Forgive me for my rude behaviour' would work too.”


“Well, it'll get busy from now on Aether. We would have to deal with the public, the people who will disagree and mainly my father.”

Ugh I didn't want to see him again.

“What will you do if she rejects the offer?” he asked.

I hadn't thought about that at all.

“The wife hunting would start again I suppose, but the way I sent her off I doubt she would reject it.”

I still couldn't believe I did it. I really didn't mean to. She was so surprised and a little scared too. Expressions I didn't think she could make. It was weird of me to even think she was emotionless. She was a human afterall. But for some reason her slowly those expressions were so new to me. I wonder what else she would show me.

I want to get to know her.

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