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I'm back! I said and when I went to the living room I found no one. Hm? Yoko didn't tell me he was going somewhere" I mumbled and went upstairs.

Hey bro? You home?" I called out to his room but no response. Did he really go out without even telling me?! I thought with a huff and went to my room to change out of my uniform.

I then look at my bag. Yeah I'll do that later" I said remembering in still have home work.

I then went down stairs to find wakasa sitting in the sofa. How the hell did you get into my house? I asked slightly confused on why and how he was here.

Through the front door" he casually answered making me huff. You know where Yoko is? I can't find him" I asked him as I sat down on the other end of the sofa.

I was gonna ask you that" he said making me sigh. Where the hell did he go? He didn't even tell me! I mumbled before standing up and went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

You want something to eat or drink? I asked wakasa from the kitchen earning a small no in response.

I just shrugged and grab some snacks and a drink for myself. I went back to the living room and set the snacks and drink on the coffee table.

Do you wanna watch a movie or something? I asked and he just shake his head. Well okay then" I said and stood up again, but this time going to my room to get my notebooks so I can start on my homework.

When I got back I saw some of my snacks missing and wakasa licking the corner of his lips.

I let out a small light scoff as I set my notebooks on the table. What? Wakasa asked as he looked at me.

You said you didn't want any and I just left for a few seconds and when I came back there's a few missing" I stated.

Could be anyone " he shrugged and turned away with a smirk. Oh yeah! Maybe it was a ghost who likes to eat sweets that took it" I huff making him laugh.

What an annoying leopard " I grumble under my breath. What was that? Wakasa asked with a raised brow.

Nothing, just said you were annoying " I said with a smirk as I began working on my homework.

I heard him scoff making me look at him, acting slightly offended. Excuse me but did you guy scoff at me? I asked with a raised brow.

I did, got a problem with that princess? He smirk making me roll my eyes. An idea then pop in my head.

Hey your in a gang to right? Which means your good at fighting" I said to them and he just nod making me continue.

How about we spar? I asked as I set my pen down. You sure? Yoko's gonna kill me if I hurt you" wakasa sigh.

Nah he won't, plus I was the one who asked you" I said to him and he nod and stood up.

He and I went outside and went to the park, and of course before we left I made to close the door properly.

When we got there I saw Kai, Kenta and a few other from the gang. Hey guys! I called out to them with a wide grin.

Wakasa looked at me with a raised brow and I smirk at him. What? We could use a little audience right? I asked and he just nod.

Hey makomo" Kai created before he turned to wakasa. Who's he? You didn't tell us you got a boyfriend " Kai said and I was about to say something else but Kenta interrupted me.

Shock you even found one " He said but regretted it when he saw me. He, bye! He said as he ran away.

I'll still get you tomorrow! I yelled enough for him to hear making the others laugh.

But really, who's he? Kai asked again. Oh, he's wakasa and his my brothers friend" I said and they just nod.

Now if you'll excuse us we still have something to do" I said and grabbed wakasa's hand and began dragging him further away from the gang.

How about this spot? I asked after a few minutes. He looked around before shrugging. Seems good to me" he responded.

Well? Shall we begin? I ask and he smirked. Don't blame me if you get hurt" he said making me roll my eyes.


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