67- From Where We Began

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The path was starting to narrow to the point where Luke was squeezing through rock and dirt. He had no idea where he was and he had no map to tell him. All he had was intuition to lead him to an exit and even that was failing him as his wound kept getting progressively worse.

Finally, the path opened again and he found himself in a odd structure. He ignited his lightsaber and started to look around. The area looked like an old hideout. There were papers that read nothing but nonsense strewn around the room and the walls were lined with years of grime.

He walked around looking at the old food on shelves and cooking supplies. There were many amenities in the hideout that could have lasted someone a few years. Who ever was using it that is. On the desk next to him he saw a comm link. He walked over and picked it up to examine it. He pressed the button to see a person.

"The clones are after me...they have betrayed us... I might not survive for long... send help...please...".

The message cut off after a few moments of static. Luke tried using the tools on the desk to fix it, but it started to look like it would be unsalvageable

He put the comm down and started to look around for an exit. There was a later pretty high up above a large pile of fabric he thought could have been a bed. He backed up and ran and jumped to catch the last bar of the later.

He got to the top after a few minutes. There was natural light coming down from a crack in the cave. He was thankful for it because his lightsaber wasn't the best form of light.

He had to do a bit more climbing and finally reached a part where it looked like a temple. He walked through the large doors to a large looking cathedral.

"Luke Skywalker" said a feminine voice.

He turned igniting his lightsaber.

When he found the source of the voice, he saw a woman with red eyes. She looked a bit worse for wear.

"That's your name right?" She asked.

She was holding her side.

Luke squinted, "The hell happened to you?".

"You sister" said the red eyed woman and chuckled.

"Leia? Where is she?" Luke questioned.

"Oh she's fine" Said the woman rolling her eyes, "Whoever trained her, trained her well".

Luke smirked, "The hell you do, to make her do that to that to you".

The woman chucked and gave him a smile. She brushed her hair out of her face showing a dark bruise on her cheek.

"Aren't you gonna attack me?" She asked, her eyes darkening.

"If you give me a reason to" Luke said and tensed, "Who are you?".

"Kadina Ovb" she awnsered, "maybe you know me?"

She looked expectantly at him, and interlocked her fingers under her black cloak. Luke squinted at her and examined her a little more closely. He had heard that name before. When he was still in Anakins time, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it. It was strange to look at the woman now that he knew her name.

Kadina said nothing after the silence had followed. The woman only gave a hum of annoyance while crossing her arms. She had a scratch on her hand that could have come from a nail and there was another bruise on her arm.

"What are you gonna do?" Luke asked.

"Maybe Leia will tell you when you find her" Kadina said and smiled.

She then disappeared leaving Luke alone again.

Luke groaned and started walking through the temple to try and find Leia.

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