53- Just Another Family Torn

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Luke and Leia stood at the entrance of Mos Espa. It was a busy day as people tried selling food and trinkets.

"Are... Are we trying to do anything?" Leia asked.

"No... no i don't think so" Luke said, "Qui-Gon!... Ehy hasn't he spoke to us?"

Luke groaned grabbing the side of his stomach. His wound was still giving him pain. Leia tried not to look at Luke to keep herself from feeling so guilty. Luke leaned against the wall to rest.

"Luke?" Leia said worried, "Maybe you were more hurt than we thought".

"I'm fine".

"Are you sure? You look like you're in a lot of pain".

"I've had worse... We should worry more about why we're here".

"Oh please... you are more important than whatever's happening right now".

"Whatever's happening right now could likely get us killed so yeah I'm a mere speck in what's happening".

Luke looked up and behind Leia. There was a woman in black staring at him. She had a black cloth mask on her head. Her eyes were a dark shade of crimson red. She was gone when he took a second look. Maybe she was just a concerned or interested Tatooine inhabitant. Leia and him were new to town and didn't look like the normal crowd. They had nice republic clothing and they had obvious weapons on their belt. She probably noticed them and looked interest. On the other hand, she was mysterious looking. Her eyes had looked at them with familiarity.

"What? What is it?" Leia said turning back.

"Nothing... Its not important" Luke said and stood straight, "sorry Leia, I feel better now".

Leia knew he was lying but didn't point it out. She had become very susceptible to others feelings now. Especially if it was her own brother.

"Okay... so now what?" Leia asked, "i mean why are we here?"

"Possibly because you thought of father" Luke said.

"Can we control whatever this is then?" Leia asked.

"Hey wanna buy some death sticks?" Asked a merchant who stepped into the conversation.

"No you should go home and re-think what your doing with you life" Leia said.

"I should go home and re-think what I'm doing with my life" he said.

"Well good mind trick" Luke said,

The merchant walked away from them.

"Maybe we should try and blend in. Get some clothes so we don't look like people from the Republic" luke said.

"With what money?" Leia asked, "I have a few republic credits and regular credits, but I don't know what currency they take here".

"Well the town we get things from near the jundland wastes, they just take whatever you give them" Luke said, "or maybe it's just the Jawas".


Back in ROTS time planet Naboo

"Is something wrong Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Maybe" Anakin muttered.

"That is a terribly open ended statement" Obi-Wan said.

"I just feel like... somethings wrong" Anakin said.

Obi-Wan shifted Leia in his arms and Anakin sighed. He turned around to face Obi-Wan. He was holding baby Luke who slept soundly.

"I just... I feel like Luke and Leia are in trouble" Anakin said, his hold tighter on Luke.

"I'm sure whatever it is they can handle it" Obi-Wan said.

"Yeah I know" Anakin said, "they're very capable Jedi... I'm just worried for them".

"Yes that's understandable" Obi-Wan said.

"I just can't shake the feeling" Anakin said and paused, "are you alright Obi-Wan?".

"I'm getting a little better" Obi-Wan said, "I get flashes of what happened when I was being controlled. Sometimes I get flashes of other things that I remember. Like seeing my mother and father or seeing you die".

"Why would you see me? Why not Satine?" Anakin asked.

"I've had my nightmares of Satine already. You are the one thing I've been able to keep alive" Obi-Wan said.

"Thing?" Anakin questioned.

"Oh you know what I mean" Obi-Wan said, "when did you become a master? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well you were rather occupied when they granted me the rank" Anakin said rubbing the back of his neck, "and you know now".

"Yes I guess I do" Obi-Wan said.

"How did you fight it?" Anakin asked, "you seemed completely gone".

"I thought I was" Obi-Wan said, "but I heard your voice and snapped out of it".

"I never thought you would have an attachment to me" Anakin said.

"You never noticed?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I guess not" anakin said, "i was so caught up, I guess I never realized how much you cared".

"I'm sorry" Obi-Wan said, frowning, "I should have been better".

"You did the best you could with my edgy idiotic self" Anakin said, "I understand".

Obi-Wan half smiled and looked around at anakins home. Anakin and Padme had went back to naboo to raise Luke and leia. Obi-Wan had also come to live with them on Naboo. He was a second hand to help them.

"I got word from the council that Mace Windu was killed" Obi-Wan said.

"What a shame" Anakin muttered.

"Now do try to be respectful Anakin" Obi-Wan said.

"Be respectful to someone who's hated me since I was a child?"

"I did tell you not to mind him" Obi-Wan said.

"Yeah you did" Anakin said.

"We should probably put them down" Obi-Wan said.

"Oh no, then they'd start crying. The only way they sleep is if we hold them" Anakin said.

They paused.

"Do you know a jedi called Cal Kestis?" Obi-Wan asked.

"No not really" Anakin said, "why is he important?"

"No... I just... his name just came to mind after Luke and Leia left" Obi-Wan said, "it's probably nothing anyway. Let's sit, my feet are killing me".

"Alright" anakin said perplexed, "you know there was a name that came to my mind after they left. Ezra something"

"Its probably the twins timeline converging with ours" Obi-Wan said.

"Yeah but still I wonder why... maybe Luke and Leia didn't make it back to their time. What if they were sent back to the wrong time?"

"Well there's no need for panic. Remember, you have to trust them, they saved you from damnation and are gifted with the force" Obi-Wan said, "we have to trust that no matter what happened to them, they'll handle it".

"I know your right about that Master... but I can't help being worried. It's just a feeling I gained when they got here. Protectivness" Anakin said.

"Again that's understandable anakin" Obiwan said, "but you must worry about your present children instead of your future children".

Anakin looked down at luke and nodded.

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