44- Your Worlds An Ideal

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"Luke... you saw all of that" Obi-Wan questioned, "everything"

"Yes..." Luke said a bit startled.

"I'm so sorry" Obi-Wan said.

"We can't think of that now. Master Qui-Gon was right if we join ourselves we can take control" Luke said laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Really?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes, unless you can't crawl out of the darkness they throw at you" Luke said, "I was almost consumed by it. It's why it took me the travel time to Kempa".

"That must have taken a great amount of strength" Obi-Wan said holding himself.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked.

"I... that duel with Anakin... I cant get it out of my mind" Obi-Wan said, "it was horrifying and unbelievably painful... I don't understand how I could have just left him there... to die".

"People change" Luke said, "he had committed crimes that were unforgivable. In that time you didn't think he could be saved".

"Then I didn't try hard enough" Obi-Wan said, "I've never been a good friend to him. He seeks my approval and i...".

"Ben please... he's gone through all of this, coming back to Tatooine, facing things he hasn't, for you" Luke said, "you are part of our family".

"You know... I think I know why I called myself Ben" Obi-Wan said, "I cant remember past this life. I can't remember my parents. I do remember some things. I think my father was called Ben, but... I cant know for sure".

"Why must Jedi stay away from their parents. I understand that you couldn't have attachments but... they must understand how worried your parents were" Luke said.

"The only 'parent' I ever knew was Master Qui-Gon" Obi-Wan said, "losing him made me think of my own father. Then again I was occupied by your father".

"I'm sorry for that" Luke said.

"Well it's not exactly your fault is it?" Obi-Wan asked with a soft expression.

"Still..." Luke muttered, "I'm sorry you had to see that as well. I never knew they wanted you to see that".

"I can't forget it... but I can move past it for now" Obi-Wan said.

"Good... your gonna have to" Luke said.


"Anakin wake up" Leia yelled, startling him.

He looked around at their small transport ship. it was still as it opened or them. The hot wind blowing in their faces, particles of sand getting into their hair. He sat up straight and looked at Leia.

"We're back on Tatooine" she muttered, "are you alright?".

"Yeah sorry" He said, "Come on lets go what this is about".

He stepped out a felt shaky on his feet.

'Father what's wrong'

'its nothing Angel, Just a bad memory. I'm fine'

He answered as honestly as he could. it was a memory, but not his own. The haunting duel between master and apprentice. He had been caught up in Obi-Wans surprising presence, he hadn't taken a moment for himself. What he felt was akin to grief, but he most definitely didn't feel for himself. He killed young children. It could have been his own. He killed his fellow Jedi and almost killed his wife. How could he face her with this revelation.

'no you're not... tell me before we see Ahsoka'

"I saw a memory. a memory of my duel with Obi-Wan" Anakin said.

"Luke told me about that... are you okay?" She asked.

Her voice reminded him of Padme in that moment.

"I'll be fine once all of this is over" Anakin said.

Leia gave him a look but accepted the answer. The headed ino he ship and straight to the main room.

"Anakin come look at this" Ahsoka said as she stared at a hologram.

Anakin strode over to stand next to her. She pointed at the hologram map. A man stood almost out of sight. He looked odd however. His eyes looked like empty black holes and he was bald. He didn't breath nor, move a muscle.

Leia came up to the hologram and observed from another side.

"What is that?" She questioned.

"People from Tatooine don't look quite like that" Anakin said, "or maybe he's from somewhere else".

"Do you know anyone that looks like that?" Leia asked.

"No..." Anakin started.

"Well he's been out there for a few hours now. He hasn't moved or been threatening but I have a bad feeling about this guy" Ahsoka said.

"Let's go out and see for ourselves. Whoever this guy is, he wants something" Leia said.


Natus was pushed against the wall by Andechu. Then held there with the force. His eyes fueled by fury.

"You let him take control of you again" Andechu growled, "You weak idiotic boy".

Natus pulled his hand and pushed Andechu. He fell to his feet grasping his throat. He pulled out his lightsaber and stood in a defensive stance.

Andechu took out his own lightsaber.

"It's over now Andechu. Over and done with. I won't let him take control again" Natus yelled.

"We're so close to having the perfect army and we were so close to that being ruined by that jedi" Andechu said angrily.

"That jedi won't hinder us anymore. I'll break his will as you had Obi-Wan" Natus said and switched his lightsaber off.

"Obi-Wans will is far from broken but I'm flattered you think so highly of me" Andechu said putting his weapon down and off, "go to Lir. Find a man called Hio Mantel. He has the army we're here for".

"And if he doesn't?" Natus asked.

Andechu smirked then chuckled. Natus squinted his eyes at the man. Trying to read his expression. Andechu looked over to Natus and made a small movement.

"Then make him useful" Andechu said mischievously, "everyone knows something".

"Fine... but I had the impression you were going to come with" Natus said, tilting his head.

"And I will" said Andechu harshly, "take the droid group I asked for. They are our best ones yet. Made with synthetic skin from your hand. Made to look human. Were testing our first model on Anakin and his army".

"That's what my hand was for? So uncivilized Darth Andechu" Natus said.

"Our master commanded it" Andechu said.

"Then don't you question the decision he's made?" Natus asked.

Natus held his mechanical hand now. He looked at Andechu a questioning expression. Though if he had asked a question, he didn't know what he would say. The question he had might anger Andechu. He seemed to have a short fuse. Andechu looked at him perturbed.

"I do question our master" Andechu said, "but I do as he asks. And he as asked me to send you to recruit our leverage".

"It will be done" Natus said, knowing full well he would rather defy Andechu.

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