50- I'd Surely Loose Myself

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Luke and Leia fought their way through the droid army and the few humans who dared be in the fight. The droids with huamn skin were the easiest to defeat as they were unfinished. Luke deflected a blast that hit another droid and it started a domino affect of droids falling into the lava below. Leia kept shooting her blaster hitting every target.

"Where'd they go?" Leia yelled to Luke. The wind blowing threw her tightly braided updo. Throwing fire hot hair in her face.

"Follow me" Luke yelled back.

They ran in the same direction, running when the lava wasn't flowing. The floating platforms raised them to a bar made of metal. They saw the fighting pair, fighting to the death.

"No no not again" Luke said.

Leia looked at Luke with a terrified expression. Luke pulled a platform to them and they jumped onto it.

"Obi-Wan!" Luke yelled.

Obi-Wan whipped his head around to see Luke.

"Oh look... there's the son" Obi-Wan said with an evil grin.

Anakin took a step back and took a strangled breath. Andechu paced back and forth looking at Luke and leia.

"Obi-Wan" Leia said, feeling her heart break.

Luke jumped down without a moment of thought. He landed on a dock that overlooked the lava river. Luke readied himself, twirling his weapon. Leia was about to jump down when she was stopped. Palpatine stood behind her holding her arm with his wrinkled old hand. His gaze burned into hers as she tried to pull away from him.

"You're not going anywhere" he growled.

Luke looked up worried but couldn't worry a moment longer as Andechu ran at him with firery fury. They started a duel where it was clear who had the upper hand. Andechu was ruthless, attacking blow after blow. Leaving Luke with no time to really react or think to attack himself. He could only block as he was pushed against a locked door.

Andechu swung his lightsaber for the finishing blow, but Luke rolled out of the was stood looking at him.

"Obi-Wan this isn't you" Luke yelled.

"How would you know, boy?" Andechu spat.

"Obi-Wan fight it... fight back. Fight the darkness. Don't let it consume you please. You'll end up like my father would have" Luke said.

"Your father is weak" Andechu yelled, he started pacing now, "Look at him struggling to even catch his breath".

Luke looked slightly knowing he couldn't take his eye off Andechu. He was unpredictable when he attacked. Ruthless with every move he took.

Anakin looked at him unsure of what to do. He wanted to jump and help Luke, but he couldn't just watch leia struggle against Palpatines grasp.

He eventually decided Leia needed the help and jumped to help her. Palpatine threw him back on a dirt-ashy enbankment. He was completely out, hitting his head on a rock.

Leia took this time to take out her lightsaber and slice off Palpatines hand.

He screamed in pain grabbing the now nub of his hand. Leia fell on her bottom and crawled away, off the bar of metal and onto a floating platform under it. She landed hard keeping herself steady by holding the handle bars.

"You insolent brat" Palpatine yelled.

Luke turned his attention back to Andechu who had ran to advance on him. Andechu swung with a heavy attack and Luke rolled away to avoid it. This time he was able to get an attack in and gained the upper hand.

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