24- When I See You Again

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"Ahsoka" Anakin said after a moment of stunned silence.

He stared at her as if thinking she'd disappear if he looked away. She couldn't be a hallucination. She was here and in her eyes shown grief and empathy.

"Who?" Leia asked looking at Luke. He shrugged and averted his gaze back to Anakin.

"Yoda told me about Obi-Wan" she said and shook her head, "im so sorry and I'm sorry I wasn't there but you know why I left".

Anakin was still a bit to stunned to speak.

"I'm here to help so what's the order?" Ahsoka asked.

"I um" Anakin started.

"Oh! Master Anakin come quick. Seneter Amidala is in labor" said the squealing voice of C3PO, "Oh have I interrupted something?"

"Labor?!" Ahsoka questioned loudly.

"LABOR?" Anakin yelled loudly.

"Labor" Luke and Leia said repeating.

"Er did I stutter" 3PO asked.

Anakin didnt waste a second and sprinted away. Luke and Leia looked at the shocked face of Ahsoka before running after their father. Ahsoka ran after seconds after.

"Oh I'm always left behind" 3PO said.


Padme lay on a medical bed. She looked at Anakin and smiled as he walked in. Luke and leia stood outside the window and watched.

Ahsoka stood triumphantly, "I knew it".

"I used the force" Leia said with a small smile.

"You use it everyday Leia" Luke said with a soft look on his face.

"Well this was different" Leia said, "I used it, how you use it. To pull things."

"That's good" Luke said and smiled, "but of course I expected it. You're powerful Leia. And you thought you didn't have that power".

"Its such a wonderful gift" Leia said. "I thought it wasn't something I had. Then you told me and now your training me".

"Its the natural step Leia" Luke said, "you were the last of my family. Besides of course Han and Chewbacca".

"What are 3PO and R2? Foder" Leia asked with a laugh, "you're my last blood family as well".

"I'm sorry who are you two?" Ahsoka asked.

Luke looked at the alien girl. She wore a crown piece in her lekku. Her clothing was simple and looked quite breezy. Her gaze upon them was questioning and she seemed confused.

"Well it's a bit complicated" Luke said, "and... very long story".

"I'm sure we have time" Ahsoka said tipping her head to the room.

Luke smiled and nodded and began the long story he and his sister had lived. Along with how they saved anakin.

"So you're Anakins children" Ahsoka asked, "I should have known though. It was quite obvious.".

"And now we have to save Obi-Wan" Luke said and shook his head, "it's one thing after the other".

"Anakins will come up with a plan. He always does" ahsoka said.

"I never thought Obi-Wan would... fall" Leia said but her voice faded, "I tried to save him Luke. I really did".

Luke sighed, "Its not your fault Leia. You must know that".

"I feel like it is. I shouldn't have gone. I'm not even fully trained. I don't know what I was thinking" Leia said and turned away.

"Your the general of the rebels. The fleet that destroyed the death star. Twice. If you couldn't do anything. You couldn't do anything" Luke said.

Anakin walked out of the room. He seemed very happy as he faced everyone.

"It wasn't actually labor. It was just fake labor" Anakin said, "Really scared me to death though".

"Im sorry to rain on this happy moment but what are we gonna do about Obi-Wan" Ahsoka asked.

"We take the 501st and a ship" anakin said.

"And?" Leia asked.

"I haven't gotten that far yet" Anakin said crossing his arms.

"Great" Leia said.

"I'm trying my best" anakin said, "its not everyday your future children save you from a fate worse than death, your friend turns to the dark- side, you get granted the rank of master, your old apprentice comes back unexpectedly and then your wife goes into labor and then doesn't".

"You done?" Ahsoka asked.

"Just pack your things" anakin said and walked away.


"We are a peaceful community. You need only ask" said a crying resident of the planet Achu.

"What fun would that be" Andechu asked as his droids ransacked the small village.

Their search was ended when they found the person who actually could help them. A resident names Fan Ovb. He was a shop owner in the center of the village. His merchandise consisted of stolen parts from crashed ships. It was exactly what they cane here form.

Andechu marched triumphantly toward the shop. He swung the door open with a hard hand gesture. He walked in the shop acting as an ominous figure. The owner stood warily and stared as Andechu as he looked around the store.

"Do you have a power core?" He asked simply, picking up a simple piece of metal. A tool in fixing generators.

"Yes... if you have to credits to pay it" said Fan.

He looked sharply at the man but smiled.

"Ah a man who knows business. The mark of a true merchant" Andechu said and set the tool down.

He walked up to the desk Fan sat behind and threw down a bag.

"600 credits" he said, "and the promise of your life continuing".

The air grew stale as the evilness emerged. Fan could feel the transparent dark cloud envelope them. Fan wasn't used to feeling these things and he didn't like feeling them now.

"Its in the back" Fan choked out, "I can get it for you unless you want to yourself".

"Get it. But be quick. I tire of this place anyway" Andechu said brushing his shoulder as dust had fell from the roof.

Fan said nothing and quickly retrieved the power core for the man. He didn't know who he was but he knew he was dangerous and not to be messed with.

"Here" he said quickly and backed away as the dark man examined it.

"I once knew a man like you" he said, "or I guess not a man. But he was a shop owner. However he had the common sense to have slave do the work for him".

"I don't need slaves" he spat put quickly and immediately regretted it.

Andechu looked up and smirked.

"Thank you very much for your service and patience" he said and snapped his fingers.

A droid immediately grabbed the part and the walked out.

"Get to work now" Andechu ordered at the droids, "or ill turn you all into scrap metal".

"Yes my lord" said the droid.

Andechu strode away but swayed as he gripped a wall. He grabbed his head as Obi-Wan Kenobi challenged him. He could feel the fight and force he brought but laughed at the nativity of the Jedi. Who was he to challenge a sith? He almost felt sorry for the man as he straightened up and kept on walking.

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