23- And I Cant Believe it

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"Leia!" Luke Skywaker yelled running to his sister.

Leia Organa made a few shaky steps to run but Luke had already reached her. They hugged for a long moment before Luke could hear leias quiet sobs. It had surprised him but before he could question her, a jedi walked out of the council room. His hard stare was set on Mace Windu .

Mace had walked with them having parted with the other masters. He argued with Anakin Skywalker about mamy things and the argument gained traction at the mention of Palpatines plans. The argument stopped once the Jedi walked out. He looked respectfully at the group.

"The council has decided and is ready for you" said the jedi in a soft tone and stepped aside politely.

"How could the council have a meeting without me?" Mace said, furious and stormed into the room.

Luke and Leia followed hand in hand and stood next to anakin as they awaited their fathers fate. Anakin posture was different from anything they had seen in a while. He was scared and restless.

Yoda looked at Anakin with a caring expression as he glanced at Mace. It had made Anakin calm slightly. Maybe his punishment wouldn't be as bad as he had guessed. He'd be out of the order, but at least he would be alive.

"Anakin... long have you been in our order" Yoda said, "and saved it you have by finding the sith lord, Darth Sidious".

"Thank you master" Anakin said looking down, "my... my deepest apologies for how I've broken the jedi code. I was young and foolish. But I don't apologize for having my children. They are... or will be the best thing to happen to me".

Yoda held up a hand to stop him from speaking. A smirk played on Maces face as he looked to his fellow jedi. However their expressions looked to anakin with appreciation rather than anger.

"Thank you Children of Skywalker" said one jedi hologram, "you are in our good graces for saving our order and your father".

"This is outrageous how can you thank him when he's violated the most sacred law of the Jedi" Mace Windu asked, his voice rising.

Yoda shook his head at Mace. Anakin and the twins looked at each other with confusion.

"Master Windu, endured much of your judgment we have" Yoda said.

"Your lack of compassion toward Skywalker has been evident" said Shaak Ti, "these are not qualities of a good jedi".

"You speak nonsense" Mace said, "he would have turned to the dark side if his young hadn't intervened".

"Our fault it would have been" Master Yoda said looking at Mace with a gaunt expression, "our past, we have let consume us. Drowned by old rules and past victories... No more. Rules can be changed".

"This council has discussed this" said another jedi.

"I, Grand Master Yoda, hereby ban you from our council" Yoda said after a few seconds, "I will condone you no more. Neither you drawing on the dark-side".

Mace paled, "this is crazy! Who will take my seat at the council? Surely you must think of that Master Yoda".

"Skywalker, Anakin come forward" Yoda said and stood. Anakin walked forward confused, "kneel".

Mace watched in stunned silence for once. Almost as if his mouth had been wired shut. Anakin brought himself to his knees looking at Master Yoda. Yoda ignited his lightsaber and set it above his head.

"Jedi Knight no more, a master you are" Yoda said, "rise Master Skywalker and take your seat on the Council".

Anakin looked up with a stunned expression. He had no words for what Master Yoda was giving to him. He had worked so hard to become a jedi master and now that he finally gained the title... he couldn't accept it had happened. He didn't deserve to be a Master when he had almost been the downfall of the jedi. Of the live of his life.

He turned back to look at the faces of his two children. He could tell by their faces that they looked more that happy for him. Proud even. Yet, in his heart, he couldn't be proud himself. He looked back to Master Yoda and looked down at the floor.

"Its an honor master but... do I really deserve this?" Anakin asked, "I could have become something... something you have always taught against. I almost did it willingly"

"A master you have become Anakin" Yoda said, "wise and steady your children have made you. A better jedi than many great masters. Faced the dark-side you have and the light of your children guided you to the right choice".

"You cannot make him master, just as you cannot ban me from the order" Mace yelled, "I have been a loyal Jedi to this council since Anakin was created. I am better than he is".

"The council I have banned you" Yoda said as Anakin took Maces seat. Luke and Leia stood behind his chair, "not the order".

Mace stood and huffed heavily then left in a hurry out the doors.

"Now Obi-Wan we must discuss." Yoda said seconds later.

Leia walked to the middle of the room again. She stood confidently as she always had giving orders to the rebels. Luke smiled seeing her confidence returning. This was something she was amazing at. She was always powerful with the force, but she needed training. Luke had always been prepared to train her. She was the best General the rebels could have ever had.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi had been captured by the separatists" Leia said finding her confidence again. Luke strode to her side, "he was cornered by battle droids and carried off to a ship. The clones and i followed the ship into hyperspace but lost them. We do not know where they went or what they plan to do with Master Kenobi".

"I may be able to fill that gap of knowledge. Palpatine or... as we now know him Darth Sidious gave an order for the capture and some how turn Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan has fallen to the dark-side" Luke said with a slow breath, "see Palpatine had two plans. One for my father and another for if his first failed. Since my sister and i were here, we became a problem. I was a victim of an attempted assassination. Most likely perpetuated by Palpatine.  However, i am not dead and i was a voice of reason".

Yoda closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

"Master Skywalker will take this mission" Yoda said, "acquired help I did. They stand outside. Good luck Master Skywalker."

After discussing a few more topics of discussion. The clones, Palpatine, the senate and other political debates. The meeting was concluded. Holograms disappeared and the present Jedi dispersed. Anakin walked with Luke and Leia to find who would be helping them.

The person in question made Anakin pause for the third time that day. Old memories were here. For the person was an old friend.

"Hello master" she said arms crossed as she stared in sadness.


"My lord something seems to be wrong with our power core. It powers the hyperdrive" said the droid.

"What is your solution" said Darth Andechu, Obi-Wan Kenobi opening his cold eyes.

He sat cross-legged in the middle of a room in deep thought. He had been meditating, seeing the secrets he had never seen.

"We must land on a planet to fix it. The clones damaged it during the attack on General Grievous." The droid said.

"A terrible mistake on my part. do what you must but the next time you disturb my meditation. I will turn you into a ball of metal" said Darth Andechu as he closed his eyes once more.

The droid backed up and ran away.

'Good. Good. Learn the ways of the dark side. Fix your ship. Then come to me so I may complete your training.' Palpatine said.

"I won't fail you my master" Andechu said and bowed slightly.

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